In a statement made after a meeting of Lib Dem MPs, Mr Laws said: "We have had a very positive discussion.

"The Parliamentary party and shadow cabinet have fully endorsed the position set out by Nick Clegg.

"We will continue to put the national interest first and play a constructive role in providing the stable and good government people deserve."

The Lib Dems had taken account of what Gordon Brown said yesterday but they would continue their discussions with the Conservatives, he added.

Official talks between the Tories and the Lib Dems will continue at 11am tomorrow at the Cabinet Office with the second meeting of the two parties' negotiating teams.

It came as a Tory spokesman said it was unlikely a deal would be reached before Monday.

Meanwhile, a new poll shows nearly two-thirds of voters think Gordon Brown should stand down and clear the way for a new Prime Minister.

The YouGov survey for The Sunday Times also found 48% believe the Tories should govern as a minority or in a coalition and 31% are in favour of a Labour/Lib Dem alliance.

It has emerged that former party chairman Lord Tebbit's website says Mr Cameron should ballot the Conservative membership before entering into any deal with the Liberal Democrats.

An unsigned article published on the Critical Reaction blog accuses the Tory leader of trying to freeze out the membership at a time when Lib Dem rules require a formal endorsement mechanism to be activated before any deal is agreed.

And it claimed Mr Cameron's "utterly flawed" strategy had landed the Tories in a "disastrous" position and that a deal with the Lib Dems would have the sole purpose of "saving his skin as party leader".

Meanwhile SNP Leader Alex Salmond told Sky News there were alternatives to a Tory/Lib Dem government.

He said: "The assumption that the only option is a Tory Liberal pact is not correct.

"There is an alternative and more progressive option available which can provide a parliamentary majority if politicians have the will to seize it."

Earlier it was revealed that Nick Clegg had had a telephone conversation with Mr Brown on Friday evening.

It had been reported it was an "angry exchange" but a Lib Dem spokesman told Sky News it had been "perfectly amicable".

Mr Clegg joined Mr Brown and David Cameron at a VE day service at the Cenotaph.

Mr Clegg met his party's MPs following talks with his front bench team to discuss forming a government with the Tories.