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  1. #1
    S.H.I.E.L.D. Black Widow's Avatar
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    Exclamation WWE PPV 'Money In The Bank' LIVE Coverage 2010

    WWE Championship (Steel Cage Match)
    Sheamus vs. John Cena

    World Championship
    Rey Mysterio vs. Jack Swagger

    Raw Money in the Bank Ladder Match
    Randy Orton, John Morrison, Evan Bourne, The Miz, Ted DiBiase, Chris Jericho, Mark Henry, Edge

    SmackDown Money in the Bank Ladder Match
    Big Show, Matt Hardy, Christian, Kofi Kingston, Cody Rhodes, Drew McIntyre, Dolph Ziggler, Kane

    Unified Tag Team Championship
    The Hart Dynasty vs. Jimmy & Jey Uso

    Divas Championship
    Alicia Fox vs. Eve

    Women's Championship
    Layla vs. Kelly Kelly


  2. #2
    S.H.I.E.L.D. Black Widow's Avatar
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    Stalingrad, former U.S.S.R.
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    Check out the forum and keep updated of new PPV updates in the shoutbox!
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    WWE Money In The Bank 2010 *Possible Streams* Click Here.

    Welcome to our coverage of WWE Money In The Bank. We will update this page throughout the evening with results from the show, so check back often.

    Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler and Matt Striker welcomed us to the show, and they are kicking things off with the Smackdown Money In The Bank match. There were ladders set up all around the ring, and the ringside area. The stage also had ladders, as well as two armored bank vans with the MITB logo on it.

    Money in the Bank Match: Big Show vs. Matt Hardy vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Kane vs. Christian vs. Drew McIntyre.

    Each man had their full entrance, with Big Show coming out last. There was a spotlight above the briefcase that resulted in a white light coming down in the center of the ring. Big Show and Kane cleaned house at the bell, while Cody Rhodes brought in a ladder and tried to climb it, but he was tossed out as well. Kane and Show then faced off, with Show shoulderblocking Kane from the ring. Big Show went to climb a ladder, but the rungs broke under his weight. Wrestlers ran in, but Show swatted them back out, then tossed the broken ladder from the ring, hitting Kane with it. Big Show went under the ring, but was kicked by Ziggler and Rhodes, then everyone except Kane ganged up on Show and rammed him into the ring steps. The wrestlers then brawled on the floor, with Drew McIntyre getting the better of it, including catapulting Christian into a ladder on the floor.

    Drew tossed a ladder in the ring and set it up, but Hardy came in and hit Drew with a ladder across the back, then knocked him out of the ring with it. Matt climbed the ladder, but Christian pulled him down. Christian then went to climb up, but Matt pulled him down. Matt and Christian brawled to the floor, while Rhodes tried to climb the ladder, but Kofi cut him off, rammed him in the ladder and tossed him out. Kofi went to climb, but Ziggler stopped him. Ziggler climbed and reached the hook, but Christian climbed up and stopped him. Christian and Ziggler fought at the top of the ladder, and Christian hiptossed him off. Matt tipped the ladder to knocked Christian off, but he landed on his feet. Hardy gave Kofi a Twist Of Fate and Christian gave Rhodes a reverse DDT. Hardy and Christian gave Kane a double DDT. Hardy and Christian gave Kane a ladder sandwich, then hit each other with the ladders. Christian gave Hardy a Hotshot into a ladder leaning on the ropes, then stood on Hardy.

    Christian went to climb a ladder, but Rhodes knocked it over and Christian fell to the floor, crashing into Big Show. Rhodes and Kofi hit Kane with kicks, and Matt gave Kane a Twist Of Fate. Kofi went to climb, but Rhodes gave Kingston a back suplex off the ladder. Rhodes and Hardy climbed and battled at the top of a ladder, but Drew knocked it over. Drew tossed Matt shoulder first into the ringpost, then did the same to Rhodes. Drew climbed the ladder, but Ziggler stopped him, only to be tossed into the ringpost as well. Kane pulled McIntyre to the floor, then started to clear the announce tables. Kane went for a chokeslam, but McIntyre battled back, only to be kicked onto the table. Kane decked Christian at ringside with a right hand. Kofi hit Kane with a baseball slide kick as Kane was picking up a ladder. Kofi went to McIntyre and pounded him with punches and a Trouble In Paradise kick on the table.

    Kofi looked at a ladder at ringside, and positioned it so he could dive onto McIntyre on the announce table. Kofi gave McIntyre a Boom Drop off the ladder, putting him through the table. In the ring, Ziggler climbed a ladder, but Big Show got in and knocked the ladder down. Show chokeslammed Ziggler, who rolled to the floor. Kane choked Big Show, but Big Show punched him away, then gave him a back splash in the corner, using a ladder. Rhodes ran in, but Show knocked him out. Christian and Hardy hit Show with a ladder, but on a second attempt, Show shoved the ladder, knocking Hardy and Christian down. Show splashed the ladder onto Christian and Hardy. They rolled to the floor, and Show was left alone in the ring.

    Show went under the ring and pulled out his heavy duty ladder. They noted it was a 350 pound ladder, and could hold a ton. Show struggled to get the ladder in the ring, finally pulling it between the ropes. Show got it set up, but before he could climb, Rhodes came in with a small ladder and hit Show in the ankle with it. Rhodes started to climb the big ladder, but Ziggler pulled him off with an Electric Chair. Ziggler started to climb the ladder, slowly, but Big Show chopped him off. Show headbutted Matt Hardy away. Kofi Kingston springboarded onto the big ladder, but Show pulled him off. Kofi managed to hook Show in a DDT on the way down, then began to climb the ladder again. Cody Rhodes hit a top rope dropkick on Kofi to knock him off the ladder.

    Rhodes gave Kofi Crossroads on a ladder on the mat. Rhodes started to climb, but Ziggler knocked him off, then gave him a Zig Zag into the heavy duty ladder. Big Show headbutted Rhodes, then Ziggler. Show began to climb, but Kane toppled the ladder. Show fell into the ropes, and over the top to the floor. The other wrestlers piled and tossed a bunch of ladders onto Big Show, burying him. Everyone except Show and McIntyre were in the ring. Everyone tried to climb the ladder, but Kane pulled them down and cleaned house on them. Kane went to climb the ladder, but Dolph climbed over him and tried for the briefcase. Kane pulled him back and Dolph applied a sleeper on the ladder. Kane broke free by ramming Dolph's head in the ladder. Kane went to toss Dolph from the ring, but his leg got caught in the ropes. Kane freed him, then tossed him off the apron into the pile of ladders on top of Show. Kane was pulled from the ring by Kofi and Christian, so Kane blasted them, and tossed Kofi onto the pile of ladders on Show. Cody Rhodes tried to run from Kane, but Kane chased him and rammed him head first into the armored van. Kane went back to the ring where Christian and Hardy were trying to climb the ladder. Kane pulled them down and went to climb, but Hardy and Christian gave Kane a double powerbomb off the ladder.

    Christian and Hardy climbed the ladder and slugged it out. Each went for the briefcase, only to be cut off by the other. They struggled right at the top of the ladder, then both shoved each other off, with Matt landing hard on the mat and Christian bouncing off the ropes before crashing. Drew McIntyre, slowly, crawled into the ring and began climbing the ladder. Kane got back up and climbed the other side. Kane grabbed McIntyre by the throat and tossed him off the ladder. Kane then grabbed the briefcase at the 23-minute mark.

    Winner: Kane.

    Backstage, Josh Mathews interviewed Sheamus. Sheamus talked about how his pride made him think that Nexus would never try to attack him the way they attacked others. Sheamus said that last Monday, he saw that the Nexus had no soul, and so he had to chose a side, which he did. Sheamus then talked about how he hates John Cena, and that he has never gotten respect for the times he has beaten him. Sheamus talked about Cena's constant jokes about his skin tone, and how Cena won't be making jokes tonight in the cage.

    Divas Champion Alicia Fox vs. Eve.

    They locked up at the bell, and jockeyed for position, with Fox taking Eve to the mat, but they maintained the collar-and-elbow tieup. Eve armdragged out of it, then grabbed a headlock. Eve hit a shoulderblock for a one count, then a jackknife cover for another one. Eve hit a sunset flip for two, then a dropkick. Alicia reversed a whip, then went for a tornado DDT, but Fox yanked her to the mat off the middle rope. They went to the floor, and Fox rammed Eve back first into the ring apron. Fox pulled Eve into the ring by her hair and got a two count. Fox hit a forearm to the back, then a second. Fox pushed Eve down in an over the knee backbreaker, then lifted Eve and hit the backbreaker again when Eve tried to fight out of it.

    Eve rallied with some forearms, but Fox hit a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for a two count. Fox put Eve in a surfboard, but Eve rolled out of it and hit a reverse monkey flip. Eve hit a cross bodyblock for a one count, then a pair of dropkicks. Eve went for a suplex, but her back went out on her. Eve kicked Fox in the leg, then the head. Eve hit a standing moonsault for two. Fox hit an upkick, but Eve hit a springboard kick from the bottom rope. Eve went to the middle rope and went for a somersault senton, but Fox got her knees up. Fox then hit the ax kick for the clean pin at the six minute mark.

    Winner: Alicia Fox.

    Unified Tag Team Champions The Hart Dynasty vs. Jimmy and Jey Uso.

    David started out with Jey, traded waistlocks, then Smith grabbed an arm wringer. Jey broke out, but Smith hit a powerslam and delivered some forearms. Kidd tagged in and Smith hiptossed Kidd into a headscissors on Jey. David tagged back in, but Jey managed a double leg takedown and tagged in Jimmy, who pounded Smith in a corner. Jey tagged back in and Jimmy whipped Jey into a posterior butt on Smith. Kidd broke up the cover. Jey put Smith in a half-nelson with a crossface, but Smith battled out and backdropped Jey. Jimmy tagged in and cut off Smith from tagging Kidd. Jimmy hit a diving headbutt for a two count, then applied a chinlock.

    Smith gave a belly to belly suplex to a charging Jimmy and tagged Kidd, just as Jey tagged in. Kidd dropkicked Jey's legs out and stomped him in a corner. Kidd kicked Jey while flipping over the top rope, then went for a slingshot rollup, but Jey tagged Jimmy. Kidd didn't see the tag, and got caught with a Samoan Drop by Jimmy. Jimmy went to the top rope for a Superfly splash, but Kidd got his knees him to block it. Smith tagged in and hit Jimmy with a shoulderblock, then went for a Sharpshooter. Tamina got on the apron, but Natalya pulled her down and slammed her on the floor. Jimmy went to kick Smith, but Smith caught it and tripped Jimmy to the mat. Smith put Jimmy in the Sharpshooter, while Kidd knocked Jey to the floor and hit a pescado on him. Jimmy submitted to the Sharpshooter at the six minute mark.

    Winners: The Hart Dynasty.

    A video package on the World Title match was shown.

    World Champion Rey Mysterio vs. Jack Swagger.

    Rey was limping during his entrance. At the bell, Swagger backed Mysterio into a corner, but Mysterio kicked away. Mysterio tried to slide under Swagger's legs, but couldn't and Swagger grabbed his ankle. Rey kicked him away, and tried for a 619, but Swagger got out of position. Rey went for a quebrada moonsault, but Swagger caught him. Rey floated out and hit Swagger with some kicks. Swagger missed a charge and went to the floor and Rey jumped off the top rope into senton on Swagger on the floor. Rey hit a kick on the floor, then tossed Swagger back in. Rey went to climb the ropes, but Swagger met him there with a belly to belly suplex off the middle rope.

    Swagger stomped Mysterio's ankle, and Rey rolled to the floor. Swagger went after him and rammed him into the announce table. Swagger stood on Mysterio's ankle. Swagger tossed Rey into the ring for a two count, then applied a kneebar. Rey kicked out of it, and tried to rally, but Swagger hit a sloppy powerslam for a two count. Swagger hit a big hip toss, then went for a reverse splash off the middle rope, but Rey moved out of the way. Rey hit a kick to the head, then went to the top rope. Rey hit a senton, but Swagger shoved Rey into a corner. Rey used a headscissors to sent Swagger head first into a turnbuckle, then hit a split legged moonsault for a two count.

    Rey went for a bodyscissors, but Swagger turned it into a wheelbarrow suplex for a two count. Rey went for a tilt-a-whirl, but Swagger turned it into a gutwrench powerbomb. Rey got his foot on the bottom rope to break up the pin. Swagger went for the ankle, but Mysterio kicked it away. Mysterio got on Swagger's shoulders, then went into a rana, sending Swagger shoulder first into the ringpost. Rey went to the rope, but Swagger hit him with right hands. Swagger went for a second rope powerslam, but Rey swung around him and hit a DDT from the second rope for a near fall. Rey hit a 619, then went for a springboard rana, but Swagger caught it and put Rey in an ankle lock. Rey got to the ropes to break it, but Swagger then hit two reverse splashes off the middle rope.

    Swagger stomped Rey's ankle repeatedly, then went for the ankle lock, as Rey was loosening his boot. Swagger got the hold locked in, Rey's boot came off, and Swagger fell into the ropes. Swagger tuned around and Mysterio grabbed Swagger with a rana and a cradle for the win at the 12 minute mark. Comparisons were made to Eddie Guerrero, who used the boot trick to beat Kurt Angle at Wrestlemania 20.

    Winner: Rey Mysterio.

    Post-match, Swagger attacked Mysterio and put him in the ankle lock. Kane came out and attacked Swagger, battering him and running him into the back. Mysterio was then celebrating with the belt, when Kane's music hit and he came back out, this time with the Money In The Bank briefcase. Rey shook his head "no" but Kane gave the briefcase to the referee.

    World Champion Rey Mysterio vs. Kane.

    Kane grabbed Rey and slammed him to the mat by his injured ankle. Kane picked up Rey off the mat and hit a chokeslam. Kane scooped up Rey and hit a tombstone for the pin in under a minute.

    Winner and new World Champion: Kane.

    It was noted that this was the first time a Money In The Bank contract was cashed in on the same night it was won in a MITB match. They also noted it was the second time Kane has held a World Title.

    Backstage, Edge was watching the monitor, and Chris Jericho approached him. Edge bragged about his Money In The Bank success, while Jericho reminded Edge that he was the man who created the MITB match. They went back and forth about who was more desperate to win the MITB and go on to get the title.

    Women's Champion Layla vs. Kelly Kelly.

    Kelly was accompanied by Tiffany, while Michelle McCool came out with Layla. Kelly charged Layla at the bell, the referee separated them, then Kelly charged and hit a Thesz Press. Kelly hit some slaps, then rammed Layla in a corner. Kelly missed a handspring elbow, but kicked Layla and grabbed a Victory Roll for a two count. Kelly kicked Layla from the ring. Layla tripped Kelly in the apron, trapping her leg and kicking at it. Layla put Kelly back in the ring and got a two count. Layla stretched Kelly's leg across the bottom rope. Layla kicked Kelly to the floor and she collided with McCool. Layla threw Kelly into the security wall. Tiffany came around, but the referee held her back. This allowed McCool to get a kick in, then she sat on the security wall and commented that she hadn't done anything. Kelly sprung up and shoved Michelle off the wall and into the crown. Kelly got in the ring and went nuts on Layla, getting a two count with a sunset flip. Kelly hit the K2 Rocker Dropper, but Layla got her foot on the bottom rope, although I think McCool was supposed to put it there. Kelly went to the floor and she and Tiffany gave McCool a double shoulder block. Kelly got back in the ring and went for a sunset flip, but Layla blocked it and leaned forward to get the pin at the four minute mark.

    Winner: Layla.

    The events from earlier in the evening were recapped.

    Money in the Bank Match: Edge vs. Randy Orton vs. Mark Henry vs. The Miz vs. John Morrison vs. Evan Bourne vs. Chris Jericho vs. Ted DiBiase.

    Randy Orton was the first to come out, and Edge was last. Maryse accompanied Ted DiBiase, and was seated at ringside near the announcers. Edge put a ladder in the ring before the bell rang.

    Edge slid out of the ring at the bell, and some wrestlers tried to grab the ladder, but Mark Henry stood on it. Everyone started brawling, and Miz hit a clothesline in the corner on Henry, then Bourne hit Miz with a jumping knee and Henry with a kick in a corner. Everyone cleared out of the ring, and Edge ran in and tried to climb, but Orton cut him off and brawled with Edge to the floor. In the ring, DiBiase went for a ladder, but Morrison kicked him. DiBiase clotheslined Morrison, who fell onto a ladder. DiBiase used the ladder to knock Orton off the apron, then Bourne ran in and kicked the ladder into DiBiase's face. Miz ran in and rammed Bourne into the ladder, then tossed him from the ring.

    Jericho got in and brawled with Miz. Mark Henry came in and knocked both of them down with a ladder. Henry straddled Miz on the middle rope. Jericho hit Henry with a ladder, then dropped it on him. Bourne dodged a ladder shot by Jericho and hit an enzugiri. Bourne climbed the ladder, but Edge stopped him. Bourne gave Edge a rana, sending him to the floor. Orton got in and stomped Bourne, then gave him an elevated DDT off the ladder. Morrison got in and gave Orton a Flying Chuck kick, sending him from the ring. Morrison went to suplex DiBiase, but Miz broke it up. Miz and DiBiase stomped Morrison, and they put a ladder in a corner. They whipped Morrison towards it, but he slid to a stop. Morrison gave Miz a Hot Shot and DiBiase a drop toe hold into the ladder.

    Morrison, now alone in the ring, set up a ladder and began to climb. Edge climbed up the other side and brawled with Morrison on the ladder. Jericho set up another ladder and climbed up. Orton climbed the other side, and we had four men fighting and reaching for the case. Mark Henry came in and tipped over both ladders, sending all four men crashing to the floor. Evan Bourne spingboarded and used the ladder to fly into Henry with a kick. Maryse checked on DiBiase, then seeing no one in the ring, got on the apron and took her shoes off. Maryse set up a ladder and began to climb. John Morrison stopped her, and gently pulled her down. Morrison told her to leave, while DiBiase snuck in behind them and began to climb. Morrison turned and stopped him, but DiBiase rammed him into a ladder. Morrison went to the floor and pulled DiBiase outside.

    Miz hit Morrison with a ladder on the floor, then wedged it against the ringpost on the floor. Miz dropped Morrison throat first across the security wall, then catapulted him into the ladder against the ringpost. Morrison jumped onto the ladder, climbed it, rode another ladder out of the corner, and landed on a ladder in the center of the ring that Edge had set up and was starting to climb. Edge and Morrison battled, and Edge got Morrison caught between the rungs of a set up ladder. Edge took another ladder, and with Miz helping, rammed it into Morrison's midsection repeatedly. Edge then blasted Miz with the ladder, knocked him from the ring, and toppled the ladder with Morrison on it.

    Edge set up a ladder to climb, but DiBiase cut him off with a ladder shot and laid Edge out. Jericho tried to come in with a ladder, but DiBiase knocked him away, then hit Orton with the ladder from the apron. There were several ladders in the ring now, including one that was upside down, with another leaning against it. DiBiase climbed an upright ladder, but Henry pulled him down and hit a World's Strongest Slam. Jericho came in with a small ladder, but Henry knocked him down. Miz came in, but Henry slammed Miz on top of Jericho, and a ladder. Mark Henry started to climb, and Evan Bourne got on his back, but Henry kept climbing. Edge and Orton pulled Henry down and sent him from the ring. Edge and Orton then went to throw Bourne from the ring, but Henry caught him and gave him a powerslam on the floor. Henry was given a Morrison Flying Chuck, a Jericho Codebreaker and a Edge spear on the floor.

    Everyone in the match except Bourne and Henry were trying to climb a ladder, battling for position. DiBiase bridged another ladder, and there's a lot of metal in the ring not. Guys would get knocked off and then climb back up. Edge and Orton dumped DiBiase, on a ladder, to the floor. Orton then hit Edge with an RKO. Jericho kicked Orton from the ring. Jericho and Morrison were left in the ring, slugging it out on the ladder. Jericho got hung upside down in the ladder, while Orton pulled Morrison off the ladder. Orton gave Morrison an RKO, at the same time, Bourne jumped off the top rope giving Orton Air Bourne just as he landed to the mat with the RKO.

    Bourne climbed the ladder, but had trouble with the hook. Jericho stood back up, and brawled with Bourne on the ladder. Jericho rammed the briefcase into Bourne's face, knocking him off the ladder. Jericho went for the briefcase, which was swinging wildly above the ladder. Edge climbed up and brawled with Jericho on the top of the ladder. Jericho started to fall down, and Orton hit him with an RKO. Orton then knocked Edge off the ladder into the ladder that was set up upside-down, so Edge hit gut first on the metal supports. Randy Orton then climbed up, but Miz toppled the ladder, sending Orton into the top rope. Miz climbed up and pulled off the briefcase at the 20-minute mark.

    Winner: The Miz.

    The Miz called for the microphone and said everyone was "living in his moment" and said that whether you call him "overrated" or "created" his winning the MITB proved that he had "made it" and proved all the critics and skeptics wrong. The Miz said he is "Mr. Money In The Bank" and a future WWE Champion. He then finished with his catchphrase.

    The events leading to the World Title match were shown.

    Steel Cage match
    WWE champion Sheamus vs. John Cena

    They locked up in the center of the ring, and Sheamus went to ram Cena into the cage, but Cena blocked it and broke away. Sheamus kicked Cena in the gut and hit a kneedrop. Sheamus hit Cena with shoulder blocks in the corner, then stomped him. Cena reversed a whip and hit a clothesline. Cena went to ram Sheamus in the cage, but Sheamus blocked it and tossed Cena into the cage for a two count. Sheamus slugged Cena to the mat, but Cena came back with a tackle and a series of punches. Cena whipped Sheamus into a corner, but ran into a back elbow. Sheamus worked over Cena, but Cena came back with a fisherman's suplex for a two count. They were both getting up slowly after every move, as if the match had gone 40 minutes, not four.

    They slugged it out in the center of the ring, and Cena got some momentum. Cena went for a shoulderblock, but Sheamus moved and Cena crashed into the cage. Sheamus pounded Cena with right hands, then stomped him. Sheamus hit a backbreaker for a two count, then went to climb out of the cage. Cena stopped him and got onto the top rope with him. They slugged it out on the ropes, and Cena hit a superplex off the top rope for a two count. Cena went for an Attitude Adjustment, but Sheamus blocked it and hit a DDT for a two count. Sheamus hit a Celtic Hammer for a two count. Sheamus hit a second and got a two count. Sheamus went for a third, but Cena ducked it and Sheamus put Cena in a sleeper instead.

    Cena battled up in the sleeper, but Sheamus added a bodyscissors to take Cena to the mat and applied a rear naked choke. Cena got to his feet, then began climbing the ropes with Sheamus on his back. Sheamus got off and crotched Cena on the top rope. Sheamus covered and got two. Sheamus stomped Cena and choked him with his boot. Sheamus climbed up to the top rope to exit the cage, but Cena pulled him down, sending Sheamus throat first across the top rope. Cena hit some shoulderblocks and hit back suplex into a powerbomb. Cena did the "You Can't See Me" and hit the Five Knuckle Shuffle fistdrop. Cena went for the Attitude Adjustment, but Sheamus pulled himself onto the cage and started to climb. Cena stopped him and punched Sheamus on the ropes. Cena rammed Sheamus head first into the cage support, sending Sheamus to the mat. Cena did the You Can't See Me on the top rope and went for a top rope fistdrop, but Sheamus moved out of the way.

    Sheamus tied Cena in the top and middle rope. Sheamus punched and kicked Cena, then climbed right over him to go up the cage. Cena broke out of the ropes and stopped Sheamus as he had one leg over the top. Cena gave Sheamus a bulldog off the top rope and covered for two. Sheamus went for an Attitude Adjustment, but Sheamus blocked it and hit the Irish Curse backbreaker. Sheamus hit the pump kick for a two count. Sheamus picked up Cena from the mat, but Cena grabbed an Attitude Adjustment out of nowhere and hit it. Sheamus kicked out at two. Both men were laid out on the mat.

    The Nexus came out, with Michael Tarver carrying bolt cutters. A referee crabbed the cutters and left with them. Nexus then approached the referee with the key, but the referee tossed the key into the crowd instead. In the ring, Cena went for another Attitude Adjustment, but Sheamus floated out. Cena accidentally shoved Sheamus into the referee, knocking him out. Cena put Sheamus in an STF, and Sheamus tapped, but there was no referee. Cena released the hold and saw Nexus at ringside.

    Cena climbed up the cage, and Justin Gabriel climbed up as well. Cena brawled with Gabriel on top of the cage and flipped him into the ring, which didn't look good as they took a while to set it up. Cena began climbing out of the cage, but was fighting with Nexus members on the way down. Sheamus climbed out the other side, with only Heath Slater in his way. Sheamus knocked Slater away, hit the ground first (the referee woke up to see it) and ran into the crowd at the 23-minute mark.

    Winner: Sheamus.

    Cena got to the floor after fighting away Tarver and Young and realized what had happened. He threw Darren Young into the cage wall clipped Michael Tarver with a chop block. Cena picked up the ring steps and hit Tarver with them. The other Nexus members had chased Sheamus into the crowd. Cena screamed "I told you I would take every one of you out" and ripped off Tarver's Nexus wristband before leaving. Young and Tarver were laid out on the floor, and Gabriel was laid out in the ring, while Michael Cole tried to make Nexus sound devastating, and that ended the show.

    Last edited by Black Widow; 07-19-2010 at 03:12 AM.

  3. #3
    The Mac



  4. #4
    Danger zone Punisher's Avatar
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    no way they let Kane win a match like that

    gfx credit: Role Model

    "The best in the world" Andre Jones
    Triple Crown Winner
    2x LOW Heavyweight Champion
    2x Mr. Money in the Bank
    2013 Superstar of the Year
    1X Universal Champion
    1X LOW Tag Team Champion
    42-18-2 1-NC

    Ashley Lane
    1X Women's Champion

  5. #5
    S.H.I.E.L.D. Black Widow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Punisher View Post
    no way they let Kane win a match like that
    yup its about time hes getting a good push and this will help

  6. #6
    (< . . o . . PowerPill! Smartmark's Avatar
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    I just marked the fu** out!

  7. #7
    LOW's Draven Alexander W-OLF's Avatar
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    WOoohooo Hart Dynasty !

    Never lost a LOW Title
    2010 LOW Hall Of Fame Draven Alexander

  8. #8
    The Mac


    ya good show so far i only saw last minute of mitb but awesome kane won

  9. #9
    Starring At Alexa's Ass A Blissful Ass's Avatar
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    Kane won the MITB? fuck

  10. #10
    The Mac


    what wrong with that

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