Our friends over at Kayfabe Commentaries sent word that due to a delay on the manufacturing end of their Youshoot Live with Dixie Carter DVD, the orders will go out a little later than originally expected, so if you have been checking your mailbox for it, be a little patient.

Meanwhile, Kayfabe is working on a new DVD project called "House Show", which would bring a wrestling star to a fan's house for dinner and discussion. The first subject will be Kamala. If you live in the Northeast and want the Mighty Ugandan Warrior to visit your home, visit the Kayfabe Commentaries website. By the way, I really do enjoy and suggest checking out their Youshoot series, particularly the Bob Holly DVD.
TNA Tag Team champion Alex Shelley injured his knee during the TNA Impact tapings earlier this week and will miss tonight's Pro Wrestling Guerrilla "Seven" event, which is celebrating PWG's seventh anniversary. Chris Sabin is still scheduled to appear at the event, which is being held in Reseda, CA.