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    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    Default RAW LIVE Coverage & Discussion Thread - 18th October 2010

    Please feel free to discuss RAW here. No need to wait for updates!

    RAW Results - 18th October 2010
    Location - Calgary, Alberta Canada
    Announcers - Michael Cole & Jerry "The King" Lawler

    We are live from Calgary, Alberta Canada and your announcers are Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler.

    The invasion starts early and Teddy Long says that he is going to take over Raw tonight because he can.

    The CyberBoss is communicating with Michael Cole and Cole gets on his booster seat to see his computer. He quotes, Get out of my ring. Get out of my ring now. You have no business being in this ring.

    Teddy says that Smackdown versus Raw takes place this Sunday at Bragging Rights. Teddy ha a referee bring out the Bragging Rights Trophy. Teddy tells the computer to eat its heart out because the trophy belongs to Smackdown. They laid the Smackdown on all of the Raw superstars.

    The computer tells Teddy to get out of the ring or else. Teddy wants to know if he is being threatened.

    Teddy goes out of the ring and Cole argues with Teddy. The computer gets impatient and Teddy assumes the captain’s chair position.

    Teddy has an announcement to make. Right now, the Raw General Manager is going to be disconnected. Teddy pulls the plug on the Raw computer.

    Teddy introduces the winning team at Bragging Rights. First, he brings out The Big Show. Out next is Edge, followed by Alberto Del Rio, Kofi Kingston, Jack Swagger, Tyler Reks, and Rey Mysterio.

    Cole tells Teddy to go back to Friday and then Cole’s demeanor gets a lot better when The Miz comes out and he is joined by his lapdog, Alex Riley. Miz says that it looks like Smurf Village lived next to a nuclear power plant. He runs through the Smackdown team members.

    Miz reminds everyone that he was the sole Raw superstar who won last year and he is the team captain. He will lead Team Raw over Team Smackdown. All of the bragging rights associated with it will come to the A Show. Miz brings out the other members of his team.

    Out first is CM Punk followed by John Morrison, Santino Marella, Ezekiel Jackson (who is Miz’s personal pick), Sheamus.

    Miz tells them to get out of his ring or they will make them get out.

    We have a fourteen man brawl in the ring as there is no authority in the ring.

    Team Raw eventually gets out of the ring.

    Show tells Miz not to go to the back and start any ruckus. Show says that this is the Raw ring. They will leave the ring on one condition. Show wants to face Miz tonight in a one-on-one match.

    Team Raw tells him to do it and they push him to the ring.

    Show calls Miz a chicken.

    Cole talks about how great Miz is for accepting a challenge from Big Show and then he tells Teddy Long to leave.

    It is time to go back to last week’s Raw when John Cena met the Miz to see who would be the captain of Team Raw. Then we see the footage from after the match when Randy Orton came out.

    We go to commercial.

    Drew McIntyre and Cody Rhodes vs David Hart Smith and Tyson Kidd with Natalya

    Tyson and Cody start things off and Tyson punches Drew when he tries to get involved. Tyson punches Cody but Cody with a bulldog and punches to Tyson. Drew tags in and Drew with a kick and then he sends Tyson into the corner. Drew with punches and then he sends Tyson into the ringside barrier. Drew with a forearm to the back of the head with Tyson draped over the apron. Cody tags back in and Drew drops Tyson on the top rope and Cody with a kick to the midsection and he gets a near fall.

    Drew tags back in and they send Tyson into the turnbuckles as they work on his back. Tyson escapes a suplex attempt and he eventually makes the tag. Smith with a drop kick and clothesline and then he knocks Cody off the apron with a running boot. Smith with a boot to Drew followed by a leg drop for a near fall. Smith sets up for the running power slam and he hits it but Cody breaks up the cover. Kidd with a kick to Cody’s back and then Smith gets Drew up and Smith forgets about the Hart Attack and tries for a Sharpshooter. Smith and Kidd argue and then Drew kicks Smith in the knee and hits the Future Shock DDT for the three count.

    Winners: Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntyre

    After the match
    Smith is talking to Natalya while Tyson goes up the ramp without them. Natalya tells him that they are a team and that David needs to knock it off.

    John Cena and Randy Orton are in the locker room together since they are tag team partners. Randy wants to lay all of the cards on the table. He knows that being in Nexus is tearing Cena apart. He knows that Cena would help Barrett to win the title. Orton tells Cena that if he gets in his way, he will have no problem kicking Cena in his skull and put him out of his misery.

    Cena tells Orton that if he tries to kick him with his leg, he will break it off.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with an R Truth video package so we can see something with the seventh member of Team Raw.

    Goldust with the future Mrs. Goldust . . . Aksana vs Zack Ryder

    Ted DiBiase and Maryse come out before the match starts.

    Ryder with a knee and punches to Goldust but Goldust with a drop down uppercut. Goldust with the Final Cut for the three count.

    Winner: Goldust

    After the match

    Ted DiBiase attacks Goldust while Maryse try to take Million Dollar Belt from Aksana. Aksana run away and Maryse follow. Goldust with the Final Cut to DiBiase.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with a video package about the Wrestlemania Reading Challenge.

    Nexus is in their locker room and John enters. Wade tells Cena to test Harris and McGillicutty to see how good they are and if they are good enough to join Nexus.

    Cena wants to make sure that Wade told him to give everything to Harris and McGillicutty so he knows that he is following his orders.

    Wade says that it is time for WWE to see the John Cena that they know and love. Wade tells John to get him a glass of water.

    We see the kid from Knucklehead playing Smackdown vs. Raw 2011 and Miz comes up and says that isn’t how it is going to happen tonight. Miz tells the kid to tell Big Show that he has a big surprise for Big Show.

    Show grabs the kid and then the kid gets some courage and tells Miz to leave. He wants Show to knock the sucker out for him.

    We are back to the Nexus and Wade gets his water from Cena. Wade takes a sip and he tells Cena that he is really enjoying it and then he throws the rest of the water in Cena’s face.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with the WWE Rewind: Miz defeating John Cena last week to become the Raw Captain for Bragging Rights.

    John Cena and Randy Orton vs Michael McGillicutty and Husky Harris

    Before the match starts, the four surviving members of Nexus stand on the stage to watch the match.

    Cena and Michael start things off and Cena sends him into the turnbuckles and he punches Michael. Cena with a running back splash into the corner. Cena sends Michael into the turnbuckles followed by an Irish whip and a suplex as Michael goes to the floor. Husky checks on Michael and Cena wants to know if that is good enough for Barrett as we go to commercial.

    We are back and Orton with a standing drop kick to Michael and he gets a near fall. Cena tags back in and he punches Michael in the ribs. Cena with punches and then he hits Harris on the apron but Michael takes Cena down with a drop kick and then gets a near fall.

    Harris tags in and he punches Cena and then he throws punches willy nilly at Cena before he gets in a three point stance and hits a splash in the corner and gets a near fall. Michael tags back in and he gives Cena a snap mare and then goes to the turnbuckles for a neck snap on Cena and gets a near fall. Harris tags back in and he connects with a forearm and then hits a running cross body and gets a near fall.

    Harris with a reverse chin lock but Cena gets back to his feet. Harris with a knee to the back followed by a slam but he misses a splash when Cena rolls out of the way. Michael and Orton tag in and Orton with clotheslines followed by a power slam. Orton goes for the IEDDT on Michael and he hits it. Orton points to Barrett and in one motion he turns into the RKO push ups. Orton avoids Harris and Cena gives Harris Attitude Adjustment and then Orton gives Michael an RKO for the three count.

    Winners: John Cena and Randy Orton

    After the match
    Cena offers his hand to Randy Orton but Barrett tells Cena not to do it and then he tells Cena to leave the ring immediately or he will be fired.

    Wade tells Cena to stand outside the ring so he can get the best vantage point for the demise of the Viper. Nexus stand on the four sides of the ring and Orton punches Otunga and then he sends Slater into the ring post. Orton pulls Barrett out of the ring but then Orton is cornered and it is a four on one situation.

    They get back into the ring and Orton has a brief advantage until Nexus uses their numbers advantage. Slater with Sweetness to Orton while Cena sits and watches at the announce table. Otunga gives Orton the Worlds Most Dangerous Spinebuster. It is time to move Orton to the corner for Gabriel to hit the 450 splash.

    Barrett tells Cena to get in the ring now. Cena doesn’t go into the ring but he looks at the Bragging Rights trophy. Barrett tells Cena to hurry up because he doesn’t have all day.

    Cena makes his way into the ring and he wants Cena to give Orton an Attitude Adjustment. Barrett reminds Cena that he can have him fired if he doesn’t obey.

    Cena picks up Orton and Barrett tells Cena not to steal his spotlight. Barrett picks up Orton and he gives Randy Wasteland.

    Cena leaves the ring while Nexus gloat over what they have done to Randy Orton.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Did You Know that Smackdown did the best ratings for SyFy on Fridays in five years?

    We take a look back at what happened during and after the tag match involving John Cena and Randy Orton.

    Cole and Lawler talk about Smackdown and Bragging Rights, but Vickie Guerrero interrupts and she throws out a few Excuse Mes. She reminds everyone that she is the executive consultant for Smackdown and she says that she is taking the credit for the Smackdown superstars on tonight’s show. She mentions that there is a superstar with a special twinkle in his eye for her.

    She brings out Dolph Ziggler. Dolph says that some people confuse his cockiness for confidence. He says that he has it all. The looks, the physique, and the hair. Dolph says that he has the most beautiful and intelligent woman on Earth with him. He says that Vickie is his little ray of sunshine when his skies are gray. He says that Vickie makes her heart go pitter-patter.

    Daniel Bryan comes out and he says that he isn’t exactly a ladies man but he knows that he can do better than Vickie. Daniel says that he wants to be serious. He says that he isn’t shredding or have the movie star looks. Bryan says that he has one thing. That is the ability to capitalize on any mistake in that ring. He says that he can make Dolph tap out. Daniel proposes that they meet on Sunday night at Bragging Rights.

    Dolph laughs at that idea and then he accepts the challenge. Dolph says that they shouldn’t wait until Sunday. He suggests that they do it right . . . Dolph slaps Bryan and then Dolph has Vickie stand in front of Bryan.

    Bryan goes around Vickie and then he attacks Ziggler on the floor. Bryan puts Ziggler in the LeBell Lock and Dolph taps but that doesn’t mean anything because there is no match.

    The Divas come out and they confront Vickie in the ring. They throw glitter on Vickie and she leaves the ring and runs to the back.

    Meanwhile, the referees check on Dolph outside the ring and Daniel Bryan dances in the ring with the Divas.

    We go to commercial.

    Natalya vs Alicia Fox

    They lock up and Natalya with a clean break but Alicia with a slap or two and then she adds a third slap and then she kicks Natalya in the head. Alicia with a forearm but Natalya throws Alicia into the turnbuckles. Natalya with a butterfly suplex and Alicia is reaching for the ropes to avoid the Sharpshooter but Alicia is pulled into the center of the ring and Alicia taps out.

    Winner: Natalya

    After the match

    Michelle and Layla come out and they say that this is such a beautiful moment on Natalya’s home town. They are not fans of Calgary. Michelle says that they would like it here but it is too cold and Layla says that the beer is watered down. Michelle wonders why people add –eh to everything. Layla says that the Harts don’t belong in the Hall of Fame and Michelle says that they belong in the loony bin.

    Layla goes after Natalya and Michelle wit a kick and then she puts Natalya in the Sharpshooter while Layla takes pictures. Natalya reverses and then Natalya tries to put her in the Sharpshooter but Michelle pulls Layla out of the ring.

    We see footage from last week when CM Punk returned to Raw and defeated Evan Bourne and then injured him after his match.

    Teddy Long, Big Show, and Hornswoggle are in the back and they talk about winning on Sunday. Josh Mathews asks if it is a bit brazen to have Team Smackdown show up tonight. Teddy says that it is a bit brazen to ask him that question. Teddy tells Hornswoggle to do his thing and he gets the Smackdown flag and Teddy calls it vintage. We go to commercial as Smackdown goes to the ring.

    We are back and Michael Cole talks about how WWE has been attacked in the news. It is time to Take a Stand. We have a video package showing entertainers and athletes talking about WWE and how it is a family product. We see footage from different countries and how they have done more than $2 billion in pay per view buys. They have over 14 million viewers a week, including 6 million women. WWE also has a website that does a lot more traffic than sports and entertainment sites. We also see the other shows that WWE superstars have appeared on. They also give back to the community with Smackdown Your Vote, the Tribute to the Troops, and Make A Wish.

    Cole mentions the elitists who criticize WWE and then he tells people to go to WWE.com to ‘Stand Up’.

    Barrett tells Cena to come with him because he isn’t done with Randy Orton.

    Big Show is walking in the back and so is Miz, who happens to be accompanied by his shadow. We go to commercial.

    Our guest host Bobby J. Thompson is in the ring for the main event. He says that he love the boos so keep it coming. He says that he is here to introduce the man who is going to lead Team Smackdown to victory at Bragging Rights.

    Big Show with the Smackdown Roster vs Miz with the Raw Roster

    Show backs Miz into the corner and he punches Miz around the ring. Show takes off Miz’s shirt and then he chops Miz. Show with an Irish whip but Miz with a boot. Miz comes off the turnbuckles but Show catches Miz. Show sends Miz over the top rope to the floor and Show pushes some of the Raw wrestlers and then he gets back into the ring.

    Teddy Long comes out and he says that since Bragging Rights is six days away, and if both rosters are there, why not have a battle royal.

    We go to commercial.

    Bragging Rights Since We Have Everyone at Ringside why not let them do something Battle Royal featuring almost everyone on the two rosters

    Everyone starts fighting and people are being eliminated left and right while Raw wrestlers try to eliminate Smackdown wrestlers. While the battle goes on in the ring, Hornswoggle attacks Michael Cole and he takes Cole’s headset. It looks like MVP has been eliminated from the match.

    Chris Masters is the next person eliminated and Rey is almost eliminated but he holds on to the ropes. Tyler Reks has been eliminated. Show works on Mark Henry while Del Rio goes after Primo. Morrison tries to suplex someone to the floor while Henry is eliminated by Luke, Cody, and Show. Morrison eliminates Chavo with a back body drop. Regal is the next person eliminated by Big Show. Cody goes after Ezekiel Jackson when he tries to eliminate Drew McIntyre. Primo has been eliminated and so is Kozlov. Santino is the next person eliminated and then Luke is eliminated by Sheamus . . . fella. Punk kicks Rey while Show chops Sheamus. Del Rio is sent to the apron by Morrison and then they fight on the apron. Del Rio punches Morrison on the turnbuckles and then they knock each other off the turnbuckles to eliminate them. Swagger and a few others are eliminated. Swagger pulls Edge out of the ring and he puts Edge in the ankle lock. Referees try to pull Swagger off Edge.

    Miz punches Drew McIntyre while Kofi leaps into the corner and he punches Sheamus but Sheamus eliminates Kofi. Jackson has Rey on his shoulders and he eliminates Rey. Miz is on the ground but he was not eliminated. Jackson eliminates McIntyre and Rhodes.

    It is down to Sheamus, Ezekiel Jackson, Daniel Bryan, and Big Show. Show fights them off and he eliminates Bryan. Sheamus and Jackson with forearms to the back and then they hit a double suplex on Show. Jackson with a splash into the corner and then Sheamus is sent into an elbow from Show. Show eliminates Jackson and then Miz and Sheamus try to eliminate Show. Show stays on the apron and then Edge comes back in and he spears Sheamus and Big Show eliminates Miz. Edge clotheslines Sheamus over the top rope to win the battle royal.

    Winners: Smackdown

    Nexus are in the locker room and Wade says they will witness what will happen on Sunday when he wins the WWE Title. He wants everyone to react when Nexus wins a match. Wade wants Cena to raise his hand as a token of victory. Cena raises Barrett’s hand and Barrett smiles.

    Cena walks out as we go to credits.

    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. #2
    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    Tonight’s RAW will take place from Calgary and feature John Cena and Randy Orton vs. Husky Harris and Michael McGillicutty in the main event. If Cena’s team loses, Husky and McGillicutty will officially be brought into Nexus. Bret Hart has been expected for tonight’s show as well.

    Also on RAW tonight will be the seventh and final member of Team RAW. It’s expected that Mark Henry will get that spot but it’s not confirmed.

    Look for WWE’s Knucklehead movie to receive lots of promotion on tonight’s show. Team Smackdown Captain Big Show will be appearing and his Knucklehead co-star Bobb’e J. Thompson will serve as tonight’s special guest star.

    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. #3
    (< . . o . . PowerPill! Smartmark's Avatar
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    WTF? They are pushing Goldust now?

  4. #4


    Yea for his book.

  5. #5
    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    Because they realised he has more personality than his brother? :dunno:

    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. #6
    (< . . o . . PowerPill! Smartmark's Avatar
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    ^^ LOL!

    Oh My GOD! I hope Travis saw that. Bryan Danielson dancing

  7. #7


    No im not watching it but he does things like that from time to time. Like with Evans.

  8. #8
    (< . . o . . PowerPill! Smartmark's Avatar
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    ^^ He danced together with the RAW Divas

  9. #9


    Uh not getting there just yet.

  10. #10
    (< . . o . . PowerPill! Smartmark's Avatar
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    I get angry everytime I see Hornswoggle. Why the FUNK is he wearing a viking helmet?!

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