Eric Bischoff wrote a blog supporting Vince McMahon for starting the "Stand Up for WWE" campaign. Check it out at or

Go Linda!
Monday, 18 October 2010 Eric Bischoff

Good for Vince!

I don’t blame him for wanting to use his platform to activate WWE fans and speak out against some of the mainstream media b.s. that has been flung at Linda McMahon and the WWE.

Linda’s opponent and his surrogate campaign staffers over at MSNBC, have used their “news” format to trash a woman who has raised a family, overcome financial challenges, and helped build a billion dollar industry that is weathering the financial bon-fire that her challengers predecessor, Chris Dodd provided the lighter fluid for with his role in the disastrous bail-out debacle.

Why is it that the mainstream media are so afraid of Linda McMahon? Perhaps the same reason that they are afraid of Meg Whitman in California?

Maybe the fact that an intelligent, compassionate, and probably most frightening: successful, businesswoman who is not part of the tax and spend liberal machine is just too much for them to bear.

Can you just imagine the angst among the media elite if republicans elected not one, but two Fortune 500 type women to high political positions and they actually accomplished something their predecessors could not? It would mean republicans are actually more progressive (in the truest definition of the word) than the democrats who have adopted “Progressive” in lieu of “Liberal” this election cycle as most people now connect Liberal with Taxes.

Richard Blumenthal is a documented fraud. The fact that he lied about his service to his country makes him nothing less. If Blumenthal had a strand of integrity in his DNA, he would have resigned when he was exposed as a liar and a fraud. One would think that a States Attorney General would be held to a standard at least as high as Tiger Woods right?

While clearly I cannot vote for Linda McMahon, I wish her the best in the weeks to come. The State of Connecticut and the Country desperately needs more people who understand business and less lawyers.