CNN anchor Anderson Cooper has admitted enjoying meeting Lady GaGa for an upcoming episode of 60 Minutes, despite the unconventional nature of their interview.

Cooper met the pop icon in London recently for an interview session and claims that GaGa decided she would be more comfortable answering questions at the pub.

"We actually ended up that day in a pub in London drinking Jameson [Irish Whiskey], which I don't really drink," Cooper told Popeater. "By the end I was ready to have the interview be over, because I really sort of couldn't ask any more questions."

Over the course of several interview sessions with the singer, the journalist admitted to seeing a different side to GaGa than what she presents on screen.

"She's obviously a fascinating person," Cooper added.

Cooper's interview with Lady GaGa will air on the night of the Grammy Awards on February 13, 2011.