Top Gear presenter James May has suffered head injuries while filming the show’s Christmas special.

James May Is Injured While Filming Top Gear

May bashed his head on a rock while filming in Syria

May, 47, was helping fellow presenter Jeremy Clarkson tow his car from a ditch in Syria when he fell, hit his head on a rock and lost consciousness.

Suffering a severe concussion, the presenter was taken to hospital, given a brain scan, put on a drip and given stitches for a head wound.

Speaking to The Sun, May said: “I stood in the line of where the tow rope went taut. I told the driver to move off and became part of a giant catapult.

" I don't want to pretend I had an accident as bad as Hammond. He bashed his head on the whole of Yorkshire. I just hit mine on a stone. "

"There was a lot of blood. It was all very worrying."

Speaking of his trip to hospital, he added: "They gave me a brain scan, but to be honest I think the Syrians were just excited to be able to use their new scanner."

May was quick to play down the seriousness of the incident, saying his injuries were not nearly as bad as those suffered by co-presenter Richard Hammond four years ago.

“I don't want to pretend I had an accident as bad as Hammond," he said. "He bashed his head on the whole of Yorkshire. I just hit mine on a stone."

Hammond was left in a coma and fighting for his life after his car overturned at 300mph while filming the show in 2006.

In the Top Gear Christmas special, the three presenters try to recreate the journey of the Three Wise Men.

Source - SkyNews.