Cassian Elwes, who's selling distribution rights to Dito Montiel's The Son of No One, is crying foul over a barbed trade story about the film's first Sundance screening. The piece reported that a multitude of buyers were in attendance, and described an "exodus" of walk outs before the film was over. The trade declared The Son of No One is Sundance's first bomb, a crushing blow for a film with a great cast that includes Channing Tatum, Al Pacino, Tracy Morgan, Katie Holmes, Ray Liotta, and Juliette Binoche.

Elwes blamed the exits on a mistake by a projectionist, and said the trade story painted an unfair picture by omitting that information. He said the slam piece has negatively impacted discussions with distributors. Elwes said he's got three offers, but suitors are trying to use the report to get a discount.

I wasn't at the screening, but I granted Elwes' ask to explain what happened: "About a month ago, Dito decided to add a card, two scenes before the end of the film, that says, 'Based on the book, Story of Milk.' That is the character's name in the film. Yesterday, the projectionist thought that meant the movie was over, and he turned the lights on. That's when people got up. They thought movie had ended. Some left, but most stayed. This nasty little piece didn't mention any of this. It's not true that the movie is a bomb. We're got three offers, but I feel some buyers pushing their own agenda with spin to bring the price down. Meanwhile, none of the reviews have come out. Before the press rushes to judgment, why not wait to see what real reviewers think, or at least get the story right?"

Montiel should also learn there's a reason they put the bibliography in the back of the book, and the credits at the end of the film.