Older Windows Phones still waiting for copy/paste updates
Computerworld - The HTC Arrive, the first Windows Phone 7 smartphone to run on Sprint's CDMA network, will feature copy-and-paste functionality that has been unavailable in updates to earlier-shipping WP7 phones on networks run by AT&T and T-Mobile USA.

The first Windows Phone 7 from Sprint, the HTC Arrive, will be available Sunday.
The copy-and-paste functionality included with the Arrive was outlined in a document that Sprint sent to reporters and reviewers Wednesday. Other updates to WP7 that the Arrive will feature include faster start-up and resume times for apps and games and a streamlined Marketplace search function, according to the Sprint document.

Microsoft addressed the copy and paste update to older WP7 phones in a March 10 blog, saying the update was "waiting in the wings" and would be sent over the air in the "latter half of March."

Microsoft could not be reached for further information on the timing of the update. The blog states the delay of the copy-and-paste functionality for older phones will not affect the timing of future updates, including the addition of multitasking, a Twitter feature and an HTML 5 version of Internet Explorer Mobile.