So, here we are close to Wrestlemania. And still no Undertaker on live TV. Sure Taker shows up at a house show and thats all great...But one thing that worries me the most is his streak. His streak is the only thing in WWF-WWE history that has never ever been seen or will ever be seen again, and creative writers will make sure of that. There is no one like the Undertaker and will never be. The moment Taker retires, the next year he will be inducted into the Hall of Fame for sure. Triple H has said we haven't seen the last of Taker so we know he will wrestle again, possibly at this WM29 and or WM30, with WM 30 my guess being his final goodbye.

But the retirement part is not what I want to talk about. I do not want the streak to be broken to be honest. Not by anyone. It is too much of a valued piece of history, and there is no one that has achieved the status like that of Taker. In another post I had said Sting, but that dream match won't happen because of age and prime. And as of now, there is no one who should defeat Taker. Not Punk. Not Triple H. Not Lesnar. No one. The Streak should never be broken, and should be completely sealed forever when Taker retires. Plain and simple.