Jake "The Snake" Roberts, who announced in April that he wanted to compete in the 2014 Royal Rumble after resurrecting his life through Diamond Dallas Page and the DDPYoga program, has continued to campaign for a spot in the event. Yesterday on Twitter, Roberts publicized a petition directed to WWE Talent Relations to put him in the match. The petition states the following:

"Jake has given the fans so much of himself in the ring over the course of his decades spent in the business, let's give back to him and show our appreciation by voicing our support for the next stage in his journey!" the petition states. "Let's show WWE that we fans want to see this. Send your mail to WWE, post about this on every kind of social network imaginable, tell your friends and their friends, AND SIGN THIS PETITION! Let's show WWE that we won't shut up until Jake Roberts is in the Royal Rumble!"

WWE officials are aware of Roberts' desire, but not interested in using him at this time.