Vince McMahon Not High On New Wrestlers On Main Roster, Could Cut Them

WWE is the best and most successful pro-wrestling company in the world and that is due to one man: Vince McMahon. He did not get this way by being bad at evaluating talent or not being able to market well. Business-wise, Vince McMahon could be in the top 10 best promoters in any profession. He truly is brilliant.

The problem is, his patience can be small when it comes to wrestlers. Sometimes he will give time to a “project,” like a Great Khali in the past. People knew Khali could not wrestle to save his life, he also couldn’t talk. He was huge however, and Vince always loved big guys. Therefore Khali was pushed down our throats and we were subjected to several horrible matches. Meanwhile there were talented people released because Vince didn’t like them after a while or he felt they weren’t getting over fast enough as a face or heel. The WWE is very much a “what have you done for me lately” company. It is that way because Vince McMahon made it so.

That means that talents run into a buzz-saw when they get in the main roster. They are thrown to the wolves quickly and they either look good or bad. The McMahon projects seemingly take forever to get over. However, the others have to fend for themselves and it can be very tough. At least two WWE Talents have run into this lately. According to the Wrestling News Observer, McMahon is not a fan of them thus far and that could spell bad signs for their future with WWE. The Observer claims:

“Adam Rose being off Raw this week is an indication already that they are cooling off on the character. Vince McMahon, who makes all the key choices, isn’t the easiest one to get to accept new people as main players. He’s said not to be completely sold on any of the recent characters. Bo Dallas’ push is still continuing on almost every show. Kevin Dunn apparently buried Rose and Vince isn’t sold on him either. That’s why Paige has the title but little character developmental has been done her. Dunn right now is a huge proponent of Fox, so her gimmick will continue to be featured.”

Despite the fact that the Internet loves Paige and a lot of love was given to her for the first number of weeks… Vince and Kevin Dunn are not fans. WWE has not given Paige much time to impress however. She has been on the main roster for a couple of months, while Fox has had years of main roster time and is JUST NOW showing a character. WWE does very little with Divas, so character development for them is rare. Fox has done a terrific job with this… but that does not mean Paige is bad.

WWE is showing that Paige is impressive technically, which we already knew. If they gave her more time to show what she had on TV weekly, a character could come out of it. Paige is only 21 as well, the youngest person on the main roster. WWE has a bright future with her there.

Adam Rose
Adam Rose has actually gotten over with fans truth be told. The internet has taken to him well, and the fans on RAW each week seem to be into him and even sing along with his song. People seem to love him, so why is Dunn and McMahon not seeing that? Good question.

Meanwhile many have soured on Bo Dallas and fans are not giving much of a reaction to him at all during live shows. He’ll get boos every now and then, but nothing more. The internet seems to like him only out of humor, due to the memes made of him. Most feel just because of humor, he should stick around. Sadly fans are not taking to him, and the same thing happened in his first run on the main roster. WWE sent him back down to developmental to improve and he has. Still, he is not showing much more than annoyance and channel changing heat.

Yet the WWE seem to be behind Dallas and not a guy like Rose who the fans have actually taken to? I’m sorry, maybe I’m new to this whole business thing… but wouldn’t you listen to the people that make you money?

There is a rumor that Vince could cut Paige or Rose, but most think this is false only because WWE just introduced them and cutting them so quickly wouldn’t be fair to them. Paige alone is talented but is still so young. So she can always improve in WWE’s eyes. Meanwhile Rose is fresh enough where he could continue the party guy gimmick, leave for a bit, and then return with the old Leo Kruger gimmick that he was known for previously. So there is more room for him regardless.

Bo Dallas on the other hand is a different story. He is a second generation Superstar and real life brother to Bray Wyatt. They could always explore using him in the Wyatt Family if he is not taken well as a singles performer. If he still can’t do well, then a release could come. Only then however.

WWE has a lot of room with the new talent. They recently released 11 people from the active roster and ideally they would not like to release more. We will have to see if they end up doing so.