We are in Miami, Florida and your announcers are Renee ‘Marino’ Young and Tom ‘Conine’ Phillips.

We see footage of Heath Slater interrupting Flo Rida during his interview on Raw.

Adam Rose versus Heath Slater (with Hornswoggle)

They lock up and Slater with an arm drag and Slater celebrates. Rose goes to the floor to talk to Hornswoggle. He wants to tickle Hornswoggle but Hornswoggle escapes. Slater tries to attack Rose but Rose with a clothesline. They return to the ring and Slater with a jumping leg lariat for a near fall. Slater kicks Rose and gets a near fall. Slater with a kick to the head followed by punches and the referee warns Slater.

Slater misses a splash and Rose with a series of forearms followed by a spinebuster. Rose hits the Slice in the corner and Rose with back kicks to Slater in the corner. Hornswoggle gets on the apron to distract Rose and Slater with a belly-to-back suplex. The Exotic Express take Hornswoggle off the apron and Slater is not sure what to think.

Slater kicks Rose and he wants to know what is going on because Hornswoggle is dressed like a member of the Exotic Express. Rose with the Party Foul for the three count.

Winner: Adam Rose

We go to the opening segment from Raw with Roman Reigns, Randy Orton, Kane, and Triple H.

We go to commercial.

We are back with highlights of the Handicap Match from Raw involving Randy Orton and Kane against Roman Reigns.

We take a look at the new attitude for Xavier Woods and his attempt to recruit Big E and Kofi.

Byron Saxton is in the locker room with R Truth. Byron asks Truth about Xavier Woods’ comments to Kofi and Big E. Truth says that he doesn’t mind kissing babies. Those were powerful and deep words. He has been with Xavier Woods and he has always seen the passion and ambition. Singing and dancing like a puppet? Truth says that he does not sing or dance like a puppet. Truth says that he hear Woods talk about ‘taking out’ so he will do that to Alberto Del Rio tonight.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Hornswoggle is humming Adam Rose’s music and Slater wants to know what happened since Monday. Slater yells at Hornswoggle for celebrating with Rose. Hornswoggle says that it is a catchy tune. Hornswoggle talks about the chicks and how they were smoking. Slater appears to be okay, but then he remembers that he hates Hornswoggle and he tells Hornswoggle to get his own ride to the next town.

We are back with a look at Bray Wyatt’s hijacking of the Highlight Reel on Raw.

Alberto Del Rio versus R Truth

Truth wants to know what’s up before locking up with Del Rio. Del Rio backs Truth into the corner but he misses a punch. Truth dances around and wants to know what’s up again. Del Rio with a kick and punches. Del Rio with more kicks to Truth. Truth with a head scissors and hip toss followed by a split and leg drop.

Del Rio charges at Truth and Truth sends him to the apron. Del Rio tries to send Truth into the turnbuckles but Truth stops him. Truth drops Del Rio on the top rope and then Truth hits a splash onto Del Rio and then he returns to the ring.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Del Rio offers his hand to Truth but Truth punches Del Rio. Truth sends Del Rio into the turnbuckles as they go around the ring. Truth punches Del Rio from the turnbuckles but Del Rio with a hot shot and Irish whip followed by a running step up enzuigiri for a near fall. Del Rio with punches to the lower back followed by a kick to the back of the head.

Del Rio pulls Truth into the center of the ring to get a near fall. Del Rio with a reverse chin lock. Truth punches Del Rio but Del Rio with punches of his own. Del Rio with an Irish whip but he runs into Truth’s feet. Truth with clotheslines followed by a drop kick. Truth with a splash into the corner and then he hits a DDT and he gets a near fall.

Truth misses the scissors kick and Del Rio tries to float over into the cross arm breaker but Truth escapes. Del Rio avoids the suplex into a stunner and he kicks Truth in the back of the leg followed by a super kick and then Del Rio applies the cross arm breaker and Truth taps out.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at what happened to Stephanie McMahon on Raw.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we take a look at the announcement of John Cena’s opponent for SummerSlam.

We go to credits.