Main Event Report / Results - 18th Mar, 2015
Location: Kansas City, Missouri
Announcers: Tom Phillips and John Layfield

Curtis Axel says that we are less than two weeks away from Wrestlemania. We are less than two weeks from the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal. Since he was never eliminated from the Royal Rumble match, that is his chance at redemption. Curtis asks everyone ‘Whatcha gonna do . . . when AxelMania runs wild . . .

We will never know because Jack Swagger’s music interrupts.

Curtis Axel vs Jack Swagger

They lock up and Swagger with a wrist lock but Axel with a side head lock. Axel with a hurdle leap frog followed by a running drop kick. They lock up again and Swagger with a hip lock take down into a side head lock. Swagger catches Axel on a leap frog attempt and Swagger with a reverse atomic drop and shoulder tackle. Swagger with a We the People and then he goes for the ankle lock but Axel gets to the floor.

Axel points to the trophy before returning to the ring. Axel has a kick blocked and Swagger sends Axel into the air and face first to the mat. Swagger with a belly-to-belly slam for a near fall. Axel with an Irish whip to the sternum followed by a Northern Lariat. Axel with a series of elbow drops and he runs his forearm across the bridge of the nose.

Axel punches Swagger and chops him. Axel with a snap mare and reverse chin lock. Axel blocks a kick from Swagger in the corner and he puts him in the ropes and hits a Northern Lariat while he looks at the trophy again.

Axel misses an elbow drop from the turnbuckles and Swagger dives at the knee and then he hits a running knee into the corner. Swagger with an Irish whip and clothesline. Swagger clotheslines Axel over the top rope to the floor. Swagger with a We The People and then he sends Axel into the ringside barrier. Swagger goes for the double jump Swagger Bomb but Axel gets his feet up and then he gets the three count with a rollup.

Winner: Curtis Axel

We take a look back to the Contract Signing on Raw.

We go to commercial.

Naomi vs Alicia Fox

They lock up and Alicia with a wrist lock but Naomi with a reversal. Alicia with a reversal of her own. Naomi with a reversal and arm wringer but Alicia kicks Naomi away and both with kip ups. Fox with a side head lock take down. Naomi with punches and she tries to Irish whip Alicia, but Alicia holds on to the side head lock. Naomi with a side head lock of her own.

Naomi uses the ropes for a sunset flip and a near fall. Alicia with an elbow but Naomi with a head scissors. Alicia with an elbow and kicks to the ribs. Alicia with a wrist lock. Alicia with an elbow and more kicks. Alicia with an Irish whip and Naomi floats over and uses her rear end to send Alicia to the mat. Alicia rolls to the floor.

Naomi dances in the ring while she waits for Fox to get back into the ring. Naomi goes to the floor and Alicia returns to the ring. Naomi tries to get back in and Alicia kicks her to the floor as we go to commercial.

We are back and Alicia with forearms followed by a Northern Lights suplex for a near fall. Alicia with a reverse chin lock. Naomi with elbows but Alicia sends her to the mat and she gets a near fall. Alicia with a reverse chin lock. Naomi tries to get to the ropes but Alicia pulls her back into the center of the ring.

Alicia picks Naomi up by the hair and sends her to the mat. Alicia chokes Naomi in the ropes. Naomi counters a tilt-a-whirl back breaker with a lateral press. Alicia with a kick to the head and then both of them go for the hair as they try to take the other down. They get back to their feet and Fox with forearms but Naomi sends Fox into the turnbuckles with a bulldog. Naomi with a kick to Fox followed by a cross body but Alicia rolls through and gets a near fall.

Naomi sets for Rear View but Alicia holds on to the ropes. Alicia cannot avoid it a second time and Naomi gets the three count.

Winner: Naomi

We go to commercial.

Adam Rose ( with Rosebuds) vs Zack Ryder

They lock up and Rose with a rollup for a near fall. Rose argues with the referee and that allows Ryder to hit a drop kick followed by a flapjack and clothesline that sends Rose over the top rope to the floor. Ryder with a drop kick through the ropes. Rose with a spinebuster into the apron. Rose tells the Rosebuds to applaud for him. Rose sends Ryder into the ring and he gets a near fall.

Rose chokes Ryder in the ropes and the referee warns him while Rose with crossfaces. Rose with a back breaker for a near fall. Rose with a knee to the back while he applies a rear chin lock. Ryder with punches. Rose with a spinebuster for a near fall. Rose argues with the referee again, but he keeps his eye on Ryder.

Rose with a running forearm into the corner and he mocks Ryder for the Broski Boot but Ryder moves and Rose catches his thigh in the rope. Rose runs into knees from Ryder in the corner and Ryder with a missile drop kick and running forearm in the corner. Ryder with a Broski Boot and he gets a near fall. Ryder sets for the Rough Ryder but Rose sends Ryder over his head and then he hits a clothesline for a near fall.

Rose goes up top but Ryder crotches Rose and then he punches Rose on the turnbuckles. Ryder with a super rana followed by a Rough Ryder for the three count.

Winner: Zack Ryder

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at the situation surrounding Seth Rollins and Randy Orton from Raw.

Ryback vs Miz

Miz takes off his sunglasses and I think you could hear a pin drop. Miz with kicks to Ryback followed by punches. Ryback with a Thesz Press and he slams Miz’ head into the mat before he sends Miz into the turnbuckles. Miz runs into an elbow but Ryback presses Miz over his head and he drops Miz behind him like Warrior.

Miz drops Ryback on the top rope and then he punches and kicks him. Ryback catches Miz on a cross body attempt and he picks Miz up into a marching delayed vertical suplex and he gets a near fall. Miz holds on to the bottom rope so Ryback cannot do anything else. Miz kicks Ryback in the knee and hits a DDT for a near fall. Miz kicks Ryback.

Miz with punches and he hits an Awesome Clothesline and then he goes up top for a double sledge and he connects and gets a near fall. Miz chokes Ryback in the ropes and Miz with a running splash to the back while Ryback is in the ropes.

Miz kicks Ryback but Ryback punches Miz. Miz with a sleeper and he gets on Ryback’s back. Ryback with a backpack stunner to get out of the hold. Ryback with a running shoulder tackle or two. Ryback with a spinebuster and he gets ready for the clothesline but Miz goes to the floor. Ryback follows and hits a running clothesline.

Ryback sends Miz into the ring and he says it is over. Miz with a musclebuster for the three count.

Winner: Ryback

We go to credits.