At the Arnold Sports Festival in Columbus, Ohio.

Michael Cole is with Triple H and Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Michael asks Hunter about his induction into the International Sports Hall of Fame. Hunter talks about his work ethic and how important it is to be inducted.

Arnold is asked about Hunter being inducted. He says it was created for people who really stand out, not just in athletics, but also with what he does with it. What do you with your fame and power for other people? Hunter uses it for something good. He does it for the fitness movement. It is about inspiring the children. He is a huge inspiration to millions of people.

Hunter says he is following in the footsteps of someone he admired growing up. He says that Arnold became a star. Everyone wanted to do the exercises when Arnold was on the Presidential Physical Fitness Council. He talks about the desire to go to the gym. It is not just physical, it is about life lessons.

Michael mentions that Arnold is going to be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame and he started following wrestling at 19. He was training with a lot of professional wrestlers. They would come to town for a few weeks when they came to town. Arnold says that he would help them with their training and he says he was in the ring with a lot of them.

Michael mentions when Arnold got involved on Smackdown with Hunter and we see the footage. He asks Arnold if he ever wanted to be a wrestler. He says that he was so focused on the bodybuilding that he could not go into wrestling. He was trying to do everything to get into the movies.

He says he enjoys wrestling and would always go to the shows. He talks about watching Bruno and how he is a fan. He talks about how much it has grown in the time that he has been in the United States. He says bodybuilding should be doing the same thing for this exposure.

Hunter is asked about bodybuilding. He says it was a focus, but it was a means to get into wrestling. He says that he wanted to be a wrestler and he set his path to get there. He did the bodybuilding, but he was a fan.

Arnold says that he could have been a bodybuilding champion. Instead, he chose to go into wrestling. Arnold says he wishes he could be as good a wrestler as Hunter is as a bodybuilder.

Hunter says that he is impressed that Arnold is putting him over as a bodybuilder.

Michael asks about the convergence of the two with NXT having a ring to showcase at the Expo. Hunter says that he always thought the WWE should have a presence. With all of the people coming through Columbus, a lot are WWE fans. With the message of training and fitness, he wants the WWE there.

Michael asks Arnold about the involvement of WWE at the Expo and Arnold says that it is important. He talks about how different it is to lift live weight instead of a barbell and how athletic the wrestlers are.

Arnold says that wrestling is like two machines clashing together with all of the athletic stuff. He says that he is fascinated watching the wrestling.

Michael asks Hunter what can you learn from Arnold. He says that Arnold is the American Dream. He came to America from Austria and he thought about how to achieve his dream and he did it. Regardless of what you had to do to achieve your goals, you did it. He went on to be the greatest bodybuilder, a top actor, and then Governor of California. Hunter says that is what Arnold Schwarzenegger represents as well as the Festival.

He hopes that kids can see them and want to be like them.

Michael asks about the Smackdown Showdown and he asks Hunter if he has anything to say. Hunter says thank you for hitting him. He talks about how thrilled he was to get involved. He talks about how Bruno Sammartino had mentioned Arnold so many times, that he went to Arnold to induct Bruno.

They talked about wrestling and bodybuilding and then he realized that they are very similar in their mindsets. Hunter figured that since they were in California, they figured that Arnold would be a great person to induct into the Hall of Fame. His dedication and passion as well as his love of the WWE, it is a perfect fit.

Arnold says that the Festival is about the fitness crusade and building yourselves into champions. Don’t think about me, but think about we and how to inspire others. Having the WWE part of the Festival, it is an honor and it drives the agenda of the fitness crusade.