This is the OVW Report for Wednesday, April 15, 2015. This episode can be seen on WBNA-21 in the Louisville area on Saturday at 9AM and 10PM, and online on Monday at In this episode, Ryan Howe defends the OVW Television Title, "King of Knoxville" Shane Williams pleads for better competition, Eddie Diamond continues to try to fight through the Congregation for a Heavyweight Title shot, the War Machine is in tag action, plus more!

Pre-Show Dark Matches:

Leon Shelly & Dave-Lo defeated Dre Blitz & J. Best. Blitz & Best worked over Dave early, but Dave got a hot tag to Leon. Leon knocked Best out of the ring, hit some dropkicks to Blitz, and then hit a DDT for the 3.

Trevor Steele vs. the Assassin went to a double countout. Both men charged each other and couldn't knock the other down. Trevor charges Assassin, and Assassin gets him down with a drop toehold. Trevor rolls out and walks around the ring with Assassin following him, and neither get back in before the 10 count.

The Congregation comes to the ring, and Rev. Stuart Miles says the good word is 'consequences'. Every fan has to face the consequences of being fat and lazy, Jade Dawson has to face the consequences of losing last week, which is why Mohamad Ali Vaez isn't in the ring with them right now, and later tonight, Eddie Diamond will have to face the consequences.
That concludes tonight's pre-show dark matches. I always recommend watching the episode first on TV or online before reading the rest of the report. Again, you can check it out on WBNA ion-21 in the Louisville area Saturdays at 9AM and 10PM (check local listings) and on OVW's official website Mondays at

Dean Hill & Gilbert Corsey are on commentary, and Shannon the Dude is the ring announcer.

Elvis Pridemoore defeated Adam Revolver by DQ. Revolver grabbed a chair at ringside and hit Elvis' leg with it, before ramming his leg into the barricade. Revolver kept yelling that he wanted his title back from Ryan Howe.

OVW TELEVISION TITLE: "Wrestling's Rockstar" Ryan Howe (c) defeated "Rudo" Raul LaMotta. Raul tried going after the bad knee of Howe, but Howe fought him off. Howe hit the strumming fistdrop and Chart Topper for the 3.

Adam Wylde defeated Dapper Dan. Dan attacked Wylde and showed a really vicious side. Wylde fought back and hit a roundhouse kick to Dan's head and rolled him up for 3.

"The King of Knoxville" Shane Williams (w/Vic the Bruiser) came out and said he is also the King of Louisville, because he is undefeated. He then pleads for better competition which he gets in the Mexicutioner. Mex comes out on fire, taking Shane down with a flurry of power moves including a powerslam and spinebuster. Mex goes off the ropes and is tripped by Vic. Shane rolls Mex up from behind for the 3.
Vic & Shane attack Mex after the match, but Mex fights back and takes Shane down, before SLAMMING Vic! Mex goes to hit their heads into each other when he is attacked from behind by Jason Lee.
Mex gets triple-teamed and Shane hits a flying fistdrop on Mex.

Leon Shelly & Dave-Lo defeat "The War Machine": Big Jon & Eric Locker (w/Josh Ashcraft) by DQ. The match is dominated by Locker & Jon, as each man annihilates both Leon & Dave-Lo in the ring at the same time. They are disqualified for throwing David the referee out of the ring. Jon hits a big side slam and Locker hits an off-the-shoulder German suplex, leaving both men down in the middle of the ring. Josh runs in and covers both guys and has Locker count to 3 for him.

Mohamad Ali Vaez & the Congregation come to the ring for Eddie Diamond's next challenge.
Eddie Diamond defeats Jake Glasure via submission to the Cripwalk Crossface. Jake had Eddie on his shoulders to hit him off the turnbuckle, but Eddie uniquely locked in the Crossface while Jake was still standing.
After the match, Jade & Ali run in the ring, but Eddie escapes before they can attack him.
This ended the TV taping.

Post-Show Dark Matches:

Mohamad Ali Vaez defeated Jade Dawson. Ali came to the ring with Jade and Jake Glasure, who he had guard the entrance from an attack by Eddie Diamond. Ali told Jade there would be consequences for his loss last week, and tells Jade to repent. Ali slaps Jade several times in the face. He covers Jade, but Jade kicks out. Jade rallies for a moment and hits the running knees in the corner and a codebreaker, but Ali kicks out. Ali comes back with a neckbreaker, double underhook DDT, and a second neckbreaker, before finally pinning him for the 3.