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    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    Angry WWE Raw Live Coverage & Discussion Thread - Oct 10th, 2016

    Will Charlotte strike back against The Boss before WWE Hell in a Cell?

    Although Sasha Banks defeated Charlotte this past Monday night to become a two-time Raw Women’s Champion, one has to assume that Team Red’s resident “Queen” won’t take her loss lying down. What might the newly former titleholder have in store for The Boss three weeks before their rematch at WWE Hell in a Cell?


    – Tonight’s WWE RAW opens up from Oakland, California as the pyro goes off inside the Oracle Arena. Michael Cole welcomes us. He’s joined by Corey Graves and Byron Saxton.

    – We go right to the ring and out comes WWE RAW Women’s Champion Sasha Banks as JoJo introduces her.

    They air a look back at last week’s title change. Fans chant “you deserve it” as Sasha takes the mic. She says she feels like she’s on top of the world right now. She says she had big dreams growing up as she watched her hero Eddie Guerrero. Fans chant for Eddie now. Sasha wishes Eddie a Happy Birthday. She watched Lita and Trish Stratus tear it up in the main event and wanted to be like them. Her dreams came true last week. She put her body on the line and stole the show when she became a two-time champion. Sasha says this isn’t just about her. It’s about the women who came before her, the ones still to come and the little girls at home who want to be like her. Sasha goes on and proposes that Charlotte’s rematch at Hell In a Cell take place inside the Cell. The music hits and out comes Charlotte.

    Charlotte walks to the ring but she’s interrupted by Rusev’s music. She stops on the ramp as Lana and Rusev march to the ring. Rusev takes the mic. Charlotte is in the ring now. Rusev says nobody cares about the stupid women’s revolution or the fact that they main evented RAW last week. He goes on until Charlotte snatches the mic. She asks Rusev who the hell he thinks he is. No one disrespects the queen. Charlotte accepts Sasha’s challenge for the Cell. Rusev takes the mic back. He says this is his ring and whatever he says, goes. Sasha smacks the mic out of his hand. Lana gets in between them.

    Lana calls them lost women who need to know their place. She says they whine like little girls. She goes on and they knock her down. Rusev gets upset. Sasha and Charlotte knock him to the floor. Lana joins him and throws a fit. Rusev comes back to the apron and enters the ring. The music hits and out comes WWE United States Champion Roman Reigns to a mixed reaction. Rusev readies for a fight but leaves with Lana as Reigns looks on from the ring with Sasha and Charlotte. Reigns’ music hits and he raises the title as Lana and Rusev leave.

    – Still to come, Paul Heyman addresses Bill Goldberg’s comments about Brock Lesnar on ESPN last week. Also, Seth Rollins vs. Chris Jericho. Back to commercial.

    – Back from the break and out come WWE Tag Team Champions The New Day. They cut promos and say at Hell In a Cell, they will show Sheamus and Cesaro why they are the best. They start dancing and Cesaro’s music hits. Out he comes.

    Cesaro vs. Kofi Kingston

    Cesaro is making his entrance on the stage when Sheamus comes out and walks straight to the ring. The tension and one-upping between the two continues.

    Back and forth to start. Sheamus is streaming live on Facebook but not paying attention to the match. We go to commercial with a stand-off at ringside. Sheamus still has his back turned to what’s going on.

    Back from the break and Cesaro hits a top rope elbow for a 2 count. We see he hit some uppercuts during the commercial. Kofi comes back and hits a crossbody for a 2 count. Kofi keeps control and hits the Boom Drop. Kofi waits for Cesaro to get up but misses Trouble In Paradise. Cesaro with a running uppercut. Cesaro with another uppercut from the floor. Cesaro with a 2 count.

    Cesaro with uppercuts from corner to corner and a boot to the face for a 2 count. Cesaro blocks a shot and goes to apply the Sharpshooter but Kofi avoids it. Kofi springboards in but botches it and lands on the mat. Sheamus and Woods end up getting into at ringside. Sheamus drops him. Big E runs over Sheamus. Kofi takes advantage of the distraction and rolls Cesaro up for the win as Cesaro was going for the Cesaro Swing.

    Winner: Kofi Kingston

    – After the match, The New Day makes their exit as we go to replays. Sheamus and Cesaro aren’t happy. They have words and Sheamus storms off, calling Cesaro a loser.

    – Foley has made Reigns and Sasha vs. Rusev and Charlotte for later tonight.

    – Back from the break and the announcers show us Goldberg’s comments from ESPN SportsCenter where he said if he did make a return to the ring, he’d be interested in facing Brock Lesnar again. Paul Heyman will be here tonight to respond to those comments.

    Bayley vs. Cami Fields

    We go to the ring and out comes Bayley as her opponent, a local enhancement talent, waits in the ring. She gets a pop as she’s from nearby San Jose.

    Bayley starts off in control but Cami turns it around and works her over for a few minutes. Bayley catches Cami in the Bayley-to-Belly suplex out of nowhere for the win.

    Winner: Bayley

    – After the match, Bayley celebrates as we go to replays. Bayley goes to the stage to celebrate but Dana Brooke attacks her from behind. Dana leaves Bayley laying as fans boo and we go to a replay.

    – Still to come, Mick Foley will address Hell In a Cell and Sasha Banks’ proposal. Back to commercial.

    – Chris Jericho is backstage on the phone with someone. He’s ranting about how good he is. Jericho tells the other person to do their job and get him that big payday. R-Truth appears and has a payday candy bar for Jericho but that’s not the kind of payday he’s looking for.

    Sin Cara and Lince Dorado vs. Drew Gulak and Tony Nese

    We go to the ring and Tony Nese waits with Drew Gulak for a cruiserweight tag team match. Lince Dorado is out first for his team. Out next comes Sin Cara, who is now in the cruiserweight division.

    Gulak and Dorado go at it to start. Gulak tags in Nese early on. Nese runs into a boot and in comes Sin Cara for some double teaming and a 2 count. Dorado comes back in and nails Nese from the top while Cara holds him. Gulak gets in a cheap shot while Nese has the referee distracted. Gulak tags back in and keeps Dorado in their corner. Gulak with a 2 count.

    Gulak with a submission. Nese comes back in and kicks Dorado in the face before keeping him grounded. Gulak comes back in but Dorado takes them both down. Cara tags in and hits a moonsault on both opponents. Gulak takes a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Cara with more offense and a roll up on Gulak for 2. Cara powers up and powerbombs Gulak for 2 as Nese breaks the pin. Cara dropkicks Nese off the apron. Dorado tag sin and Cara dives out onto Nese. Dorado takes care of Gulak and goes up top for a Shooting Star Press to get the win.

    Winners: Sin Cara and Lince Dorado

    – After the match, Cara and Dorado stand tall in the ring as we go to replays.

    – Foley is backstage walking when Stephanie McMahon approaches him. She gives him props for his custom flannel suit. She wants to join him for his Hell In a Cell address and he tells her that would be great. They walk off together. Back to commercial.

    – Back from the break and RAW General Manager Mick Foley is out with RAW Commissioner Stephanie McMahon for his Hell In a Cell address. Fans are chanting for Foley and his suit. Stephanie says No Mercy was good last night but Hell In a Cell will be better.

    Foley talks about Sasha Banks and Charlotte wanting the Hell In a Cell match. Foley says they don’t get what they want, they get what they deserve. He announces that the first-ever Cell match for the women’s division will take place. Foley goes on and announces that Seth Rollins vs. WWE Universal Champion Kevin Owens will also take place inside the Cell, making it three that night. The music interrupts and out comes Owens with Chris Jericho. Owens doesn’t want to be in Hell In a Cell because he doesn’t want to end up some broken washed up GM like Foley. Jericho accuses Foley of giving the match to Rollins because he asked for it. Owens says Rollins doesn’t deserve another shot at the title. Jericho goes on and accuses Foley of disliking him for 19 years. Jericho puts Foley on The List. Jericho wants Stephanie to take care of Foley but she yells at him, saying he should respect Foley. Stephanie doesn’t care about any list. This leads to Stephanie proposing that Jericho be put into the WWE Universal Title match at Hell In a Cell if he can defeat Rollins tonight. Stephanie says that way, everyone will be happy. Foley makes it official. She tells Owens and Jericho to have a nice day. Jericho smiles as Owens looks shocked.

    – Rollins is backstage with Charly Caruso. He wonders what Owens thinks about Jericho going into the match. Rollins says he’s the man who is going to destroy the machine, piece by piece. Rollins welcomes Charly to RAW and walks off.

    – Still to come, Rusev and Charlotte vs. Reigns and Sasha. Also, Paul Heyman will address Bill Goldberg’s comments on ESPN last week. Back to commercial.

    Curtis Axel and Bo Dallas vs. Enzo Amore and Big Cass

    Back from the break and Curtis Axel is out with Bo Dallas. We see video from the RAW Pre-show where Axel revealed that he asked Mick Foley to put the Social Outcasts in a match. They seemed to be on the same page. Enzo Amore and Big Cass are out next to a pop.

    Enzo and Cass cut promos in the ring until they’re attacked from behind by Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson. They beat on Enzo and hit him with a Boot of Doom before turning their attention to Big Cass. They leave him laying with a Magic Killer. Back to commercial.

    – Back from the break and we see what just happened to Enzo and Cass. Axel has the mic. He asks if they’re on an episode of Swerved or something. He says they were promised a tag team match tonight and they’re not leaving until they get it. Axel tells Foley to send opponents out because they want to fight right now.

    Sami Zayn and Neville vs. Curtis Axel and Bo Dallas

    The music hits and out first comes Sami Zayn. Sami heads down to ringside and waits for his partner. Neville is out next.

    Bo starts off with Sami and they go to the corner. Bo takes corner and unloads on Sami. Bo with a big clothesline and some stomping. The referee pulls Bo off but he goes right back to work and in comes Axel. The end comes when Sami hits a Helluva Kick on Axel and Neville tags right in for Red Arrow. Neville covers for the pin as Sami stands guard.

    Winners: Sami Zayn and Neville

    – After the match, Bo takes his “Believe In Bo” sign and leaves as Sami and Neville look on. We go to replays.

    – Charlotte is backstage when Lana walks up. Lana suggests Charlotte stay out of her husband’s way or there will be severe consequences. Lana storms off and we go to commercial.

    R-Truth vs. Titus O’Neil

    We go to the ring and Goldust and R-Truth are rapping. The lyrics are displayed on the screen tonight. We see backstage video of a segment from earlier tonight that led to this match. Titus is upset over Truth getting the Payday candy bar gig earlier.

    Titus mushes Truth to start. Truth tackles him and goes to work. Truth comes back and shows Titus up. Truth with a kick and a pin attempt. Truth keeps on but Titus drops him with a boot. Titus with more offense and a 2 count. Titus with a pair of rib breakers before tossing Truth. Goldust rallies on the steel steps. Truth takes advantage of the distraction and rolls Titus up for the win.

    Winner: R-Truth

    – After the match, Goldust and Truth celebrate at ringside as Titus looks on from the corner.

    – Brian Kendrick is backstage when TJ Perkins walks up. Perkins says he knows the real Kendrick and he’s not a bad guy. Perkins says Kendrick is scared that he won’t make it this run. Perkins says Kendrick didn’t need to beat him with a cheap shot last week, he would’ve given Kendrick another shot just because who he is. Perkins recalls some of their early days together. Perkins says it’s not too late for Kendrick to be the guy he knows, The Brian Kendrick. They shake hands and Perkins goes to leave. Kendrick tries to attack him but Perkins puts him on the floor. Perkins guesses he was wrong and walks off. Back to commercial.

    – Back from the break and we see some of the NFL’s Oakland Raiders at ringside.

    Handicap Match: Braun Strowman vs. The Splash Brothers

    We go to the ring and out comes Braun Strowman for a 2-on-1 Handicap Match. Byron Saxton is in the ring with The Splash Brothers, Steven and Clay. They cut promos on being from Oakland and their mother telling them to go out and make a splash. They’re jumping into the deep end and taking Braun with them tonight.

    The bell rings and they both attack Braun but he knocks them away. He fights off another double team attempt. Braun nails a running splash in the corner while the other brother is on his back. Braun nails a double dropkick on the brothers and hits a running powerslam. Braun slams Steven on top of Clay and pins them both for the win.

    Winner: Braun Strowman

    – After the match, Braun stands tall as we go to replays. Saxton tried to interview Braun after the match but Braun scares him out of the ring. Braun addresses Mick Foley and says this wasn’t good enough, he wants real competition next week or what happens will be on Foley’s hands.

    – Backstage segment with Sasha and Reigns. Sasha says she knows what she’s getting herself into with Hell In a Cell. She tells Reigns to just take care of Rusev tonight. Sasha walks off and we go to commercial.

    – Back from the break and we get Royal Rumble hype already.

    Roman Reigns and Sasha Banks vs. Rusev and Charlotte

    We go to the ring and out first comes Charlotte. Rusev is out next with Lana. WWE RAW Women’s Champion Sasha Banks is out first for her team. WWE United States Champion Roman Reigns is out next.

    We get some stalling with tags to start. Back and forth between Reigns and Rusev for several minutes. Fans chant for Sasha. Sasha ends up taking Charlotte down on the floor and Reigns sends Rusev out beside her. We go to commercial with Reigns and Sasha standing tall in the ring while Rusev and Charlotte are looking on from the floor.

    Back from the break and Rusev dropkicks Reigns for a 2 count. Fans chant for Sasha again. Rusev keeps control and slams Reigns for another 2 count. Reigns comes back with a Superman punch out of nowhere. Charlotte tags in as does Sasha. Sasha strikes first. She goes on and hits a dropkick. Sasha ends up hitting the double knees as Charlotte goes to the corner. Sasha with running knees in the corner and then another double knees for a 2 count. Charlotte ends up rolling her up for a 2 count. Sasha applies the Banks Statement. Rusev comes in but Reigns spears him. Charlotte taps out.

    Winners: Roman Reigns and Sasha Banks

    – After the bell, Sasha’s music hits as she stands tall with Reigns in the middle of the ring. We go to replays.

    – Tom Phillips approaches Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho backstage. Owens doesn’t matter if its a singles match or a Triple Threat at Hell In a Cell, he’s walking out with the title. Jericho says because they’re best friends and if one is the champion, the other is also champion. Owens ends up dismissing Tom from their locker room, right after Jericho puts him on The List.

    – We see Paul Heyman walking backstage. Back to commercial.

    – We get a look at Goldberg’s recent comments on ESPN SportsCenter. Paul Heyman is in the ring as JoJo makes the introduction.

    Heyman hypes WWE 2K17 and leads us to a video of Brock Lesnar dominating Goldberg in the game. Heyman cuts a promo and says he’s authorized to challenge Goldberg to a fight against Lesnar, any time and any place. Heyman goes on and says in Suplex City, Goldberg isn’t himself, he’s next.

    – We get a new vignette for Emma, returning soon as Emmalina.

    – Brian Kendrick makes his way out for commentary as we go to commercial.

    TJ Perkins vs. Ariya Daivari

    Back from the break and out comes WWE RAW Cruiserweight Champion TJ Perkins. He stops and stares at Kendrick on the way to the ring. Kendrick vs. Perkins is confirmed for Hell In a Cell. Ariya Daivari is out next making his RAW debut.

    We get a sidebar video from Daivari and it’s acknowledged that his brother is a former WWE Superstar. Perkins ends up getting the win after a good back and forth match.

    Winner: TJ Perkins

    – After the match, Kendrick applauds Perkins from the stage. Perkins heads up the ramp and stops to stare out at Kendrick.

    – Backstage segment with Stephanie and Jericho. He apologizes for putting her name on The List earlier tonight but says he removed her from it. She says a win for Jericho tonight is a win for RAW as that Triple Threat at Hell In a Cell will blow away SmackDown’s Triple Threat at No Mercy. Stephanie implies that Jericho should get over on Owens to get the win at Hell In a Cell. Owens walks up and wants to know what that was all about after Stephanie leaves. Jericho says “friendship” and walks off.

    – We get a look at Tito Santana for Hispanic Heritage Month.

    – Back from the break and the announcers show a tweet from Goldberg that says he will be live at next week’s RAW in Denver to respond to Paul Heyman’s challenge.

    Chris Jericho vs. Seth Rollins

    We go to the ring and out first comes Chris Jericho for tonight’s main event. Seth Rollins is out next. If Jericho wins this, he gets a spot in the WWE Universal Title match at Hell In a Cell. Rollins strikes first and wipes his rear with Jericho’s scarf. Rollins unloads in the corner but gets caught with a rake to the eyes.

    Seth comes back with a running knee. Rollins turns it around and keeps control now. Rollins with a blockbuster for a 2 count. Jericho ends up going to the floor for a breather. Rollins kicks him through the ropes. Rollins follows and sends Jericho into the barrier. Rollins with another shot into the barrier. Rollins with a double ax handle off the apron. Rollins sends Jericho into the steel steps and brings him back in. The music interrupts and out comes WWE Universal Champion Kevin Owens to the stage. Jericho kicks a distracted Rollins and drops him rib-first over the top rope. We go to commercial with Rollins down.

    Back from the break and Jericho is in control as Owens watches from ringside. Jericho keeps the upper hand and works on Rollins’ injured ribs. Rollins drops Jericho into the turnbuckles. More back and forth. Rollins with an enziguri. Rollins with forearms in the corner. Rollins with a Slingblade for a 2 count.

    Jericho blocks a suplex but runs into an elbow. Jericho with a knee to the ribs. Jericho scoops Rollins but Rollins counters with a knee to the back for a 2 count. They end up in the corner as Jericho goes for a superplex. Rollins blocks it and sends Jericho to the mat. Rollins goes for a crossbody but Jericho dropkicks him in mid-air for a 2 count. Rollins blocks a Codebreaker and kicks Jericho in the throat for a 2 count. More back and forth. Owens distracts Rollins from the floor but gets kicked in the mouth from the apron. Jericho ends up with Rollins in the Walls of Jericho. Rollins crawls for the bottom rope and makes it to break the hold. Owens drops Rollins with a cheap shot but he still kicks out at 2. Owens yells as Jericho argues with the referee.

    Jericho kicks Rollins while he’s on the apron. Jericho misses a springboard and lands out on the floor at Owens’ feet. Rollins runs the ropes and nails a dive onto Owens. Jericho goes back in the ring. Rollins follows and Jericho runs into a kick. Rollins with the springboard knee to the face for a 2 count. Rollins goes back to the top but Jericho moves and avoids a Frogsplash. Jericho hits the Lionsault for a close 2 count. Jericho goes to the top but Rollins kicks him. Rollins climbs up for a superplex. Jericho shoves him to the mat and yells at him to get up. Jericho jumps but Rollins kicks him. Jericho blocks a Pedigree and goes for the Walls but Rollins rolls him up for the pin.

    Winner: Seth Rollins

    – Owens immediately rushes the ring and kicks Rollins in the face. Owens beats Rollins down now. Owens yells at Rollins as Jericho recovers. Rollins blocks a pop-up powerbomb and goes for a Pedigree but Jericho makes the save. Jericho stomps on Rollins now. Rollins counters and nails a Pedigree on Jericho as Owens looks on from the ramp. Rollins points out at Owens and they have words. RAW goes off the air with Jericho down and Rollins motioning to Owens.

  2. #2
    On the bench! Rob's Avatar
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    This :raw2016: is so basic..... Besides the opening promo, this is a drag. We really need a 2 hour show again.

  3. #3
    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    Totally agree with you. I've been saying they need to go back to 2 hours for a long time. A lot of people think so too, but Vince won't budge. Maybe when he dies we'll be able to have something worth a shit on a regular basis.


    ***GAME OVER!***

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