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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Default WWE RAW Live Coverage & Discussion - 30th Jan, 2017

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    RAW LIVE Coverage & Discussion - 30th Jan, 2017
    Location: Laredo, Texas
    Announcers: Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Austin Aries and Byron Saxton.

    The WWE Universal Champion Kevin Owens makes his way to the ring with United States Champion Chris Jericho.

    Kevin reminds us that he is the WWE Universal Champion and Chris joins in on the word champion. Kevin introduces the United States Champion. Kevin says almost everyone thought he had no chance of walking out of the Alamodome as champion, but he has proven people wrong his entire career. He proved so many people wrong that if he made a list, it would be longer than the list of Jericho. Kevin says he is most proud that he proved Mick Foley wrong.

    Kevin says Mick has been stacking the deck against them. Last night they did not fail. He beat Roman Reigns last night because he is the best, he is the man, he is the one. He says he had some help last night and he wants to thank that person. Kevin thanks . . .

    Chris Jericho. He says he knows that it meant a lot for him to get into the cage, but that helped him get through the match. Kevin says they need to talk about Chris Jericho. Last night, Chris Jericho proved to the world that he is the greatest Royal Rumble competitor of all time.

    Chris thanks Kevin and he says he does not want to brag, but Kevin tells him to. Four hours fifty six minutes and twelve seconds. That is how long he has been in the Royal Rumble during his career. Chris says that is more than anyone else in WWE history. Chris says he set that record when he valiantly lasted more than an hour in the match. Chris says he is the Sixty-One Minute Man.

    Chris tells everyone to type in Sixty One Minute Match on their Twitter. He says the reason he did not win the Royal Rumble was because he was suffering a case of veritgo when he was in the shark cage, 20, 30, 40 feet above . . .

    Braun Strowman's music plays and he makes his way to the rin.

    Kevin says he was going to thank Braun.

    Braun says he did what he did for two reasons. One, he does not like Roman Reigns. Two, he wants the title shot that Kevin promised him.

    Kevin says he does not know where that is coming from. He already thanked Braun. Coming out when you are not asked to help does not give you a title match.

    Braun says Kevin promised him a title shot and he has the footage and proof.

    We see footage of a backstage segment when Kevin told Braun he was next in line.

    Braun tells Kevin he will get a Universal Title shot tonight or he breaks Kevin in half right now.

    Mick Foley comes out and he says he does not like what Braun did last night, but now he knows why. He says that Kevin owes Braun a title match.

    Kevin and Chris says it is CGI. Kevin says Mick should know how hard it is to go through a match like he did and then to be asked to wrestle the next night against someone like Braun Strowman. He says he went through hell.

    Mick agrees but he says Kevin might have to go through hell again when he has to face Braun for the title tonight.

    We go to commercial.

    Non Title Match
    Chris Jericho vs Sami Zayn

    They lock up and Jericho with a side head lock. Zayn with a head lock but Jericho with a wrist lock. Zayn goes for a reversal but he is forced back to the mat. Zayn with a reversal and arm wringer. Zayn springboards over Jericho and hits a few arm drags followed by an arm bar. Jericho punches Zayn and chops Zayn in the corner. Zayn with a kick and chops. Jericho goes to the floor and Zayn with a baseball slide. Zayn sends Jericho into the ring and Jericho with a springboard drop kick to send Zayn to the floor. Jericho with a baseball slide but Zayn moves and hits a clothesline on the floor.

    Jericho with chops on the floor and an Irish whip but Zayn leaps onto the ringside barrier and he hits a moonsault onto Jericho.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Jericho with a reverse chin lock. Zayn with forearms but Jericho with an enzuigiri and he gets a near fall. Jericho with kicks and a punch. Jericho chops Zayn and connects with an elbow to the head. Jericho with an Irish whip but Zayn with a clothesline and punches. Zayn with an elbow to Jericho and he goes to the turnbuckles but Jericho with chops to stop Zayn. Jericho sets for a Frankensteiner and hits it.

    Zayn with a rollup for a near fall. Jericho with a kick and Zayn sends Jericho to the apron and Chris goes up top and Zayn catches Jericho and hits a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall. Jericho goes to the floor. Zayn follows and teases the tornado DDT through the corner but Jericho moves. They get back into the ring and Jericho sets for the Walls of Jericho but Zayn escapes. Zayn with a wrist lock into a tornado DDT. Jericho avoids a Helluva Kick and applies the Walls of Jericho. Zayn acts like he has to tap but Zayn is able to get to the ropes.

    Jericho thinks he won but he is told by the referee that Zayn got to the ropes. Jericho with kicks but Zayn with an Exploder into the turnbuckles. Zayn sets for the Helluva Kick and he hits it and gets the three count.

    Winner: Sami Zayn

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Sheamus and Cesaro are arguing in the back. Sheamus says that Cesaro tried to swing him last night. Cesaro says that Sheamus tried to eliminate him.

    Bayley shows up and he mentions that this is not the time to fight. They have a six person tag match against Charlotte, Gallows, and Anderson. She says they need to get on the same page and they need to do a group hug.

    Charlotte, Gallows, and Anderson show up and she mocks the hug. Karl says they found the Royal Rumble loser support group. Charlotte says the loser support group will meet after the champs face the chumps.

    Luke calls them nerds and they walk away.

    We take a look at what happened on Takeover to cause us to have Stephanie needing to do her husband's dirty work on Raw.

    Stephanie McMahon is on the phone and she says everything is set. She has to go because Kevin Owens enters.

    Kevin apologizes for interrupting. He says he has done everything he can to live up to the expectations of Triple H and her. He has done a lot and he is hurt after last night.

    Stephanie says she had no idea that Mick Foley would make him defend the title. She says after dealing with Seth Rollins, she will talk to Mick about getting Kevin's match cancelled.

    We go to commercial.

    Tony Nese vs Mustafa Ali

    Ali avoids Nese and hits an arm drag into an arm bar. They have a Greco Roman Knuckle Lock and Ali lands on his feet and he hits a head scissors. Nese with a knee to the midsection when Ali was talking to the referee. Nese with a running back elbow and he poses. Nese with a forearm and snap mare for a near fall. Nese with a cross face to Ali. Nese with an Irish whip and Ali with a boot. Nese goes for the German Suplex into the turnbuckles but Ali with a rollup for a near fall. Nese with a clothesline for a near fall. Ali is sent to the apron. Ali with a shoulder from the apron and he flips over Nese and hits a clothesline and elbow. Nese misses a charge into the corner.

    Ali with a kick and a rolling neck breaker for a near fall. Nese has a kick blocked and Ali with a spinning heel kick. Nese is down in the corner and Ali goes to the turnbuckles but Nese grabs the foot to stop Ali. Ali with a boot to send Nese to the mat. Nese knocks Ali off the turnbuckles and Ali lands on his neck. Nese pulls down the knee pad and hits a running knee to the head for the three count.

    Winner: Tony Nese

    After the match:
    Austin Aries asks Tony what does he say to the critics who say he lacks charisma. Tony says nothing. Austin asks about the critics who say talking to him is like talking to a washboard. Tony says the Premier Athlete does not have to answer to his critics.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Seth Rollins makes his way to the ring.

    Seth says he may have been banned from the building last night, but he is here tonight and he is live. Seth says he knows that Stephanie is back there. You wanted to come out first and call him out and scold him. Seth says princesses don't always get what they want. He says to suck it up buttercup and come out to the ring.

    Stephanie McMahon comes out and she says she is out here to disappoint him on many different levels.

    Seth says it is just like you and your husband each night.

    Stephanie says her husband is not here.

    Seth says if Hunter is not here tonight, he does not care about Stephanie. Seth asks Stephanie when will she let her coward of a husband off his leash.

    Stephanie says Triple H is afraid, afraid of what he is going to do to him. He is afraid that Seth is going to bring out that dark side. He is afraid of what he will do to his greatest creation. Stephanie says she told Hunter to stay away.

    Seth says if Stephanie wants us to believe her, she is delusional.

    Stephanie says that Seth was riding high with the Authority and then he turned his back. Who sat out Wrestlemania? Who was forced to sit out the Royal Rumble? She says that Seth should not be calling out her husband, you should be begging her for forgiveness and apologize to her, Hunter, and the people. Stephanie says the people do not deserve an apology, but she does.

    Seth says Stephanie is the boss and he says he is sorry. He is sorry that he exposed her husband for the gutless snake he is. He is sorry that Hunter's empire will go up in smoke. Seth says he went into Hunter's house and ring. He called out Hunter but Hunter had security do his dirty work. Who is the man in the suit who stood out there? It was not the Game or the Cerebral Assassin. He is afraid. Seth says Hunter knows that Seth is the biggest challenge to his career. Seth says that everyone knows it, and with the way you look at him, you know it too Stephanie.

    Stephanie says that she looks at him with disgust. Her husband is a creator while you are an architect and you will be the architect of your own demise.

    Seth says he has nothing left to lose. If you think going to NXT is bad for business, what happens when he comes to the WWE Headquarters and goes to a corporate meeting. What happens when he goes to Stephanie's door step and her daughters answer the door. This does not end until he slays the King.

    Stephanie says she lied. Hunter is on his way to this arena. He is coming and he is coming for Seth.

    We go to commercial.

    Sheamus, Cesaro, and Bayley vs Charlotte, Karl Anderson, and Luke Gallows

    The women start things off and she backs into the corner and tags in Anderson so Cesaro comes in. Anderson with a wrist lock and Cesaro with an arm drag. Cesaro with a European uppercut and then Gallows tags in and Cesaro with a series of European uppercuts. Gallows with an Irish whip and Cesaro with a boot as he goes to the turnbuckles. Charlotte distracts Cesaro and Gallows kicks Cesaro off the turnbuckles to the floor.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Anderson slams Cesaro and drops a knee to get a near fall. Anderson with a chin lock and Cesaro pushes him away but Anderson with a forearm to stop Cesaro from making the tag. Cesaro with European uppercuts to Gallows and Anderson but Anderson with a spinebuster for a near fall. Gallows tags in and they go for the belly-to-back suplex and neck breaker combination.

    Sheamus tags in and he connects with running double sledges followed by a shoulder in the corner and an Irish whip and running spin kick that sends him to the apron. Sheamus with a clothesline off the turnbuckles for a near fall. Sheamus sets for the forearms across the chest. Charlotte hits Sheamus from behind and Bayley pushes Charlotte. Gallows with a punch while the referee deals with Bayley. Cesaro makes the blind tag and they hit a spike White Noise for a near fall. Anderson is knocked off the apron and Gallows kicks out of the giant swing.

    Charlotte tags in and Bayley with a clothesline off Cesaro's back. Cesaro with a springboard cross body to the floor. Charlotte goes for the figure four but Bayley kicks her away and hits a belly-to-belly suplex for the three count.

    Winners: Bayley, Cesaro, and Sheamus

    Stephanie is in her office and Mick stops by. Stephanie yells at Mick about the Kevin Owens match and why wasn't she told. She wants to know if Mick forgot or didn't want to tell her. Mick says he was hired to do a job. Last week, he heard her husband's music play. Stephanie says last week was an error by the production team. Mick tells Stephanie not to treat her like he is stupid because he is not.

    Stephanie says that Triple H will be here tonight. Mick wants to be able to keep his word and keep the match on. Mick says it should be a good match unless someone plays Triple H's music and he does not show up.

    Mick leaves the office.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and the Cruiserweight Champion Neville makes his way to the ring.

    Neville says last night at the Royal Rumble, you all witnessed the coronation of the true King of the Cruiserweights. This title is his crown and he will not be denied. 205 Live belongs to the King. He says he did more than just win a championship last night. He says he proved each and every one of you sniveling peasants wrong. You never believed in him. You never supported him. You never cared about him, but look at him now. He is the Undisputed King of the Cruiserweights.

    Rich Swann comes out and he says he did not come out to fight him. As much as it pains him to see Neville with his title and as much as he wants to throw fists now, he will wait on his opportunity. Swann says he has a rematch coming.

    Neville wants to know why is Swann out here.

    He says he is tired of hearing Neville gripe. This feud between you and the WWE Universe is in your head. Swann says that when Neville steps in the ring, he is one of the very best. Last night, you proved that and he says he has to respect Neville for that.

    Neville throws down his title belt and he wants to know when is Rich going to get it. You do not simply offer your hand to your king. You bend a knee and you bow.

    Neville says you do not turn your back on your king. Neville tries to hit Swann but Swann fights back. Neville with kicks but Swann with a Thesz Press and punches. Swann with a round kick and a suicide dive onto Neville.

    Neville goes up the ramp.

    We go to commercial.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with a look at what happened during the Kickoff show Match between Nia Jax and Sasha Banks.

    We see Sasha Banks having her knee wrapped and Bayley stops by to see how she is going. Sasha says she is getting ready for her match against Nia.

    Bayley tells Sasha she should wait until her knee is better. She tells Sasha she has nothing to prove.

    Sasha says she has everything to prove and she will not come up short again.

    We see photos of Brock Lesnar's time in the Royal Rumble match and his elimination at the hands of Bill Goldberg.

    Kevin Owens is in the locker room and Chris Jericho stops by. Chris tells Kevin that Foley talked to Stephanie and the match is still on. Chris says that no matter what happens, they are still the United States Champion.

    Kevin says he is sick of Foley abusing his power. After what he went through last night. Kevin says Braun eliminated seven men in the Royal Rumble match. If they are going to keep the Universal Title, they need to do it together.

    Chris says that this is a one-on-one match and Kevin wasn't out there for his match against Sami Zayn when Sami cheated.

    Kevin says he cannot do this alone. They need to do this together and shove it down Foley's throat.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Chris Jericho joins the announce team.

    Braun Strowman attacks Chris Jericho before going to the ring and Strowman choke slams Jericho through the announce table.

    WWE Universal Championship
    Kevin Owens (c) vs Braun Strowman

    The bell rings and Owens goes to the floor. Strowman follows and Owens with punches but Strowman pushes Owens away. Owens with a drop kick to send Strowman to the floor. Strowman with a running body block and a forearm to the back. Strowman with a hard Irish whip. Strowman with a running splash into the corner. Strowman with a second splash into the corner and Owens goes to the floor again. Strowman with a running body block and Owens is sent into the ringside barrier.

    Strowman with a forearm across the chest and Owens goes to the mat. Owens goes to the floor again and Strowman tries for another running shoudler tackle but Strowman hits the ring post. Owens with a cannonball. Owens gets back into the ring to beat the count and Strowman struggles to get back into the ring and he does. Owens with a flip leg drop and a back senton. Owens goes up top and he hits a frog splash for a near fall.

    Owens with a thrust kick and Owens goes up top again. Strowman grabs Owens off the turnbuckles and hits a power slam.

    Roman Reigns' music plays and Strowman stops focusing on Owens. Reigns comes to ringside.

    Reigns with a Superman punch but Strowman stays on his feet and the referee calls for the bell.

    Winner: Braun Strowman (by disqualification)

    After the match:
    Reigns clotheslines Strowman over the top rope to the floor and then he hits a Superman punch off the steps. Reigns with a spear to Strowman off the steps and he takes Strowman down.

    Reigns goes into the ring and spears Owens. Reigns heads to the back as Strowman gets up and chases after him.

    We take a look back at Seth Rollins' comments to Stephanie McMahon.

    An SUV arrives at the building and . . . BROCK LESNAR and Paul Heyman emerge.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Brock Lesnar's music plays and he makes his way to the stage to do the Brock Bounce and he goes to the ring to do the Lesnar Leap and he is joined by Paul Heyman.

    Paul says he is the advocate for the crestfallen and disgraced beast that stands before you tonight. There comes a time in everyone's career when . . .

    The crowd chants Goldberg and Heyman stops.

    Paul thanks everyone for their most irrelevant opinion. Paul says his opinion matters. We are at a point in history that we have to come to the truth that one opponent has that legend's number. There is the one argument that counters the argument that they are the greatest . . . yeah but. Andre the Giant was undefeated for 15 years . . . yeah but, he faced Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania III. Ronda Rousey was dominant yeah but she faced Holly Holm. The Undertaker was undefeated at Wrestlemania yeah, but Brock Lesnar ended the streak. You can talk about Undertaker's legacy, yeah but Brock Lesnar. John Cena won the WWE Title, yeah but his legacy is affected by Brock Lesnar. Kurt Angle won a gold medal with a broken freaking neck and is going into the Hall of Fame, yeah but Brock Lesnar.

    Paul says he goes to his children about the man he advocates for but they say yeah but Bill Goldberg beat your client in 86 seconds. He goes down the street and they talk about his client and say yeah, but Goldberg eliminated your client. Everyone now responds to him with yeah, but Goldberg.

    Paul says he truly despises, loathes, detests, holds in contempt and he hates yeah, but is the worst thing to hear. Yeah, but is the argument against Brock Lesnar. Which is why the yeah, but must be eradicated and eliminated. It must be taken away and wiped out. It must be killed. That is why this is the moment when you hit the record button.

    Paul says his client hereby challenges Bill Goldberg one last time . . . Lesnar points to the Wrestlemania sign as Paul makes the challenge for Wrestlemania.

    One legend stands over the other. One legacy eclipses the footnote. One conqueror stands over the vanquished victim.

    Any reading of chapter and verse of the Biblical story of Brock Lesnar versus Bill Goldberg says the odds would be in favor of Bill Goldberg.

    Paul says his client's response to Bill Goldberg is "yeah, but" and drops the mic. Lesnar and Heyman leave the ring.

    We go to commercial.

    Sasha Banks vs Nia Jax

    Sasha with drop kicks and they have no effect. Nia catches Sasha and goes for a Samoan Drop but Sasha escapes. Nia goes for a splash in the corner but Sasha moves and Nia hits the ring post shoulder first. Sasha with a drop kick and she goes for a baseball slide but Nia catches her and applies a full nelson and sends Sasha into the ring post two times. Nia goes for the leg and Sasha kicks her away. Nia grabs Sasha's legs and Nia drops down on the legs and applies a reverse single leg crab and the bell rings.

    Winner: Nia Jax

    After the match:
    Nia continues with the hold and adds a chin lock.

    Nia reapplies the reverse single leg crab and chin lock with Sasha's boot against her head.

    Bayley makes her way to the ring and Nia releases the hold and Bayley checks on Sasha.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Bayley is helping Sasha in the back.

    They continue down the hallway and enter the trainer's room.

    Lana is in the ring and she insults Laredo.

    Enzo says he sees a cupa hataz. Colin wants to know what that is on Jinder's skin. Are they veins? Enzo says Jinder looks like a road map, too bad you ain't going nowhere. Enzo wants to know if that is a windshield on Rusev's face. Enzo says this ain't Kansas anymore and they aren't in Oz, but they have the Wicked Witch in the ring.

    Texas Tornado Match
    Rusev and Jinder Mahal (with Lana) versus Enzo Amore and Colin Cassady

    Rusev and Colin battle and they make their way to teh floor while Enzo and Jinder stay in the ring. Jinder goes to the floor and he punches Enzo. Rusev is sent into the ringside barrier. Colin continues to send Rusev into the ringside barrier but Jinder with a splash to Colin. Enzo climbs on Jinder's back and they continue to battle as we go to commercial.

    We are back and Rusev and Mahal attack Colin in the corner. Colin with kicks and he sends Rusev to the floor. Enzo with a cross body to Jinder and he goes to the floor. Enzo with a suicide dive but he is stopped by Rusev and Jinder and they send him into the ringside barrier. Rusev and Jinder maintain control over Colin by double teaming him. Rusev and Jinder Irish whip Colin into the ringside barrier. They send Colin into the ringside barrier again. Enzo is tossed into the ring.

    Jinder kicks Enzo and Rusev yells at Enzo and slams him as he shows the power of his quads. Jinder with a leaping knee drop. Rusev rakes the eyes. Jinder works on the jaw. Colin gets back in the ring and he connects with punches and shoulder tackles. Colin misses a splash on Jinder after hitting one on Rusev. Colin sends Jinder to the floor and then he hits a slam and leaping elbow drop for a near fall.

    Mahal kicks Colin and Enzo trips Jinder and pulls him to the floor. Enzo sends Jinder into the ring steps. Enzo drops Rusev on the top rope and Colin with a running boot and they hit the Rocket Launcher for the three count.

    Winners: Enzo Amore and Colin Cassady

    A limo pulls up to the back of the arena and the door opens and it is Triple H who emerges.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Bill Goldberg will be on Raw next week.

    Triple H makes his way to the ring.

    Hunter laughs as he mentions Seth's name. He says Seth is the man he plucked from obscurity and made him a star. Seth became the first NXT champion. He would go on to become the leader of the Shield. Then he would make Seth an offer to be the best. Seth bought in and he bought in in a big way. Seth Rollins would become the man, standing by his side. Seth would become the face of the WWE. Seth would become the WWE World Champion while standing by his side. Standing by his side, Seth would get everything he wanted from this business. All Seth had to do was hold up to his side of the bargain. Seth collapsed under the weight of it. Seth stood in the ring with tears streaming down his face and he handed back the title and everything that he ever handed to him on a silver platter. He says that Seth spit in his face.

    Seth thought he could come back later and act like the world did not turn without Seth Rollins. However the world did turn. When Seth stood in this ring without him, Seth Rollins was an abject failure. Did Seth take any credit for that failure? No, Seth put the blame on him. Now Hunter is supposed to apologize to Seth? Hunter says Seth is the one to apologize to him. Hunter says he gave the world to him and Seth spit in his face.

    Do you know how hard it is to not come to the ring when Seth Rollins calls him out. He does not come out because his wife asked him not to. It is best for business that he does not come out. Hunter says he is trying so hard not to be that guy any more. He does not want to be the man who destroys dreams and injures people. He wants to be something more so he puts on that suit and he puts on that stupid tie and he goes to the office. Hunter says he tries to be a creator. He tries to create something more, but someone like Seth Rollins wants to come to NXT.

    Seth wants to come where he is trying to create. He is trying to create the next Seth Rollins. Hunter says he is done trying.

    Hunter takes off his jacket and he removes his tie. Hunter unbuttons his shirt and he tells Seth Rollins, you don't have to worry about coming to his house. Hunter says he is standing right here . . . right now.

    Hunter says you already know who your creator is. Hunter tells Seth to come to this ring to meet your Destroyer.

    Seth Rollins' music plays and he comes out ot the stage.

    Seth removes his shirt and he makes his way to the ring but he is attacked by Samoa Joe.

    Joe sends Rollins into the ring step and then the ringside barrier.

    Hunter stands over Seth and Joe picks up Seth and sends him into the ring while Hunter walks to the back. Rollins with punches but Joe with an enzuigiri and a series of back sentons. Joe applies the Kokina Clutch and he takes Rollins to the mat. Rollins passes out.

    Joe releases the hold and we go to credits.

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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    RAW Preview:

    Stephanie McMahon to address Seth Rollins face-to-face
    Seth Rollins has wanted a piece of Triple H ever since The Game cost The Architect the WWE Universal Championship back in August and his music cost Rollins his Royal Rumble Match opportunity on Raw. At NXT TakeOver: San Antonio, Rollins attacked The Game on his home turf by hijacking the broadcast to confront The King of Kings.

    Triple H has responded that there’s a big difference between the “creator” of WWE NXT and the “destroyer” that is The Cerebral Assassin. Following that threat issued by her husband late Saturday night, Raw Commissioner Stephanie McMahon has announced that she’ll address Rollins face-to-face on Raw. What punishment awaits The Architect? Will he be fined, suspended or worse?

    Brock Lesnar suffers second humiliation at the hands of Goldberg
    Brock Lesnar seemed unstoppable during the Royal Rumble Match … until Goldberg entered the bout, Speared The Beast Incarnate and sent him tumbling over the top rope. Just as he did at Survivor Series, Goldberg made short work of one of the most powerful Superstars in WWE history.

    Judging by Lesnar’s face after being dumped to the floor, he was just as surprised as the WWE Universe last night in San Antonio. Goldberg would be eliminated by The Undertaker just a few minutes later, but something tells us he still has some unfinished business with Lesnar—or, more accurately, Lesnar has some unfinished business with him.

    The Monster Among Men gives The Prizefighter an assist
    As United States Champion Chris Jericho channeled Richard Dreyfus from “Jaws” last night at Royal Rumble, locked in a shark cage high above the ring, the ravenous Braun Strowman attacked like a great white below, driving Roman Reigns through a table and allowing Kevin Owens to retain the WWE Universal Championship.

    Is The Monster Among Men in league with The Prizefighter? Why exactly did Strowman help Owens dismantle The Big Dog? Hopefully, the WWE Universe will learn the truth behind the behemoth’s actions tonight.

    The “good brothers” score a controversial win
    Even though two referees were assigned to last night’s Raw Tag Team Championship Match pitting Sheamus & Cesaro against Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson, the challengers were nevertheless able to steal a victory last night during the Royal Rumble Kickoff and become Team Red’s top tandem.

    With the Raw Tag Team Titles in tow, the so-called “good brothers” will no doubt boast about their questionable win tonight on Raw. Will The Celtic Warrior and The Swiss Superman retaliate or, following their post-elimination argument during the Royal Rumble Match, is their alliance finished?

    “The Queen of pay-per-view” goes 16-0
    Lifelong WWE Universe member Bayley’s childhood dream nearly came to fruition last night at Royal Rumble, but it was Charlotte Flair who left the Alamodome with the Raw Women’s Championship around her waist, and her undefeated streak in championship matches on pay-per-view intact.

    Now that The Queen has turned back the determined Bayley, who will be next to challenge her rule at the top of the Raw Women’s division? Will The Huggable One continue to pursue the title? Find out tonight.

    The King of the Cruiserweights ascends to the throne
    Neville has been a king in his own mind for several weeks. Last night at Royal Rumble, though, his reign officially began when he made Rich Swann submit to the Rings of Saturn and became the new WWE Cruiserweight Champion.

    Now that he is officially the undisputed King of the Cruiserweights, how will Neville celebrate his first Raw as royalty?

    Don’t miss any of the action on Monday Night Raw, tonight at 8/7 C on USA Network!

  3. #3

  4. #4
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    WOW .. Strowman vs Owens tonight for the title.

  5. #5
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    At least we now know why Strowman attacked Reigns last night at the Royal Rumble.

  6. #6
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    I will laugh if Jericho and Owens lose tonight lol

  7. #7
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Good first match between Jericho and Zayn. I think Zayn deserves a Intercontinental title shot now, he has been pushed hard for weeks now.

  8. #8
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Not a bad match between Nese and Ali but the crowd were not into it.

  9. #9
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    This should be interesting with Rollins lol

  10. #10
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Well, we have to wait now for them to go face to face.

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