Kevin Owens lived out one of his biggest dreams last night. He attended the Shania Twain concert in Montreal, QC, Canada and was brought up on stage by the singer. Owens only returned to Twitter earlier this year in the hopes he would be able to convince Twain to sing the song “When” at the concert last night.

Owens even brought a wrestling-styled sign to the concert for Twain which he was able to bring on stage with him.

Last Tuesday Owens sent out a Tweet reading the following:

“Hello @Shania Twain! I’m Kevin. I’m a @WWE wrestler and fellow Canadian,” Owens wrote in a since-deleted Tweet. “I had quite a rough couple of days. I was thrown off a very tall ladder by an awful man. I’m really hurting … What would make me feel better is hearing you sing ‘When’ at your concert in Montreal tonight.”