Another arena sellout for the 2nd night in Aberdeen. Tonight's crowd was even louder than yesterday, again a big family crowd but there seemed to be more young males in attendance with more ECW signs etc. Again crowd was here for DX primarily. Both nights DX & Cena merchandise were selling big.

Lilian again opened the show by stating that Roddy Piper wouldn't be here and that there were 2 title changes on Monday on Raw.

Match 1 - Carlito v Shelton. Good opening match with the crowd heavily behind Carlito. Carlito was much better here than in last nights fatal 4 way. Again a young kid had caught the t-shirt and was acting as Carlito's manager for this match. Can't remember the finish but it wasn't the back cracker - Carlito wins. Great opening match to get the crowd loud & vocal.

Match 2 - Tommy Dreamer v Renee Dupree. Dupree actually got to wrestle tonight and Tommy was like a different guy tonight. Tommy got the win with the Dreamer driver and after the match he took off his t-shirt and gave it to a teenage ECW fan at ringside. Much better match tonight for both guys.

Match 3 - Cryme Tyme v Spirit squad. Spirit Squad came out first and took over the ring to loud boos and you suck chants. The Cryme Tyme came out to loud cheers and eventually they picked up a couple chairs and cleared the Spirit Squad out of the ring. Cryme time were over with the crowd the same as last night. Eventually the 3 spirit squad members at ringside were sent to the back by the referee for interference and while they were complaining Cryme Time stole a win.

Match 4 - Mickie v Victoria. Mickie was over with the crowd but Victoria had to work for the boos and Victoria sucks Chant from the kids! more reaction than previous night when they had to follow a bad Dreamer/Test match. Mickie won.

Match 5 - Sabu & Holly v Test & Kevin Thorn. Again Sabu was the most over ECW wrestler and got the most cheers and a Sabu chant. This was a good match that the crowd was more into than the singles matches last night. Sabu & Holly won.

Match 6 - Lilian then introduced Ric Flair who then introduced a divas best body contest with himself as the judge. Maria came out first then Torrie then Candice. At the start Flair said about covering the kids eyes to which one of the young boys at ringside shouted out No! Flair then asked how old he was to which the kid replied 11 and Flair said he was a bit young for being interested in Divas! Flair finally declared the contest a draw saying he was the winner in all this as he was now going to take all 3 back to the Hotel!


The match order seemed to flow better tonight with the crowd never cooling off but building to the last three matches unlike the previous night when the ECW matches especially seemed to quiet down the crowd.

Match 7 - Highlanders v Cade & Murdoch. This was unbelievable. I was front row in Chicago for Wrestlemania and this was like Hunter v Cena all over again. Honestly when the Highlanders came out the place erupted - Scotland Scotland chanted the crowd over and over again. Cade & Murdoch's boos were just as loud. Robbie wrestled most of the match for the Highlanders for Rory to make the hot tag and big save to thunderous cheers. The crowd just didn't let up during this match, we even had the yeah/boo thing where every Robbie punch was cheered and the Cade/Murdoch response was booed. The people in the stands stamped their feet and everyone chanted SCOTLAND at the top of their voices to rally Robbie so he could tag Rory. At the end of the match Rory was actually overcome with emotion and caught a Scotland flag thrown from the crowd to pose on the ring posts with his Scotland football top on. He was in tears in his eyes as he acknowledged the crowd.

Match 8 - Intercontinental Title match - Hardy v Nitro. good match that managed to get a good crowd response despite the crowd being drained by the previous match. Lots of Hardy chants during the match. Jeff wins to retain the title.

Match 9 - Lilian announced DX and then the music hit and the crowd erupted again. Crowd managed to exceed the noise for the Highlanders which seemed impossible! Every man , woman & child was on their feet cheering for DX. Once they got to the ring and the music stopped they waited for the crowd to quiet down but they just kept chanting DX over and over. Eventually HHH managed to a word in and said about how they were looking for the loudest crowd in the UK, at which point the crowd cheered again (extremely loud but not as loud as the previous night) HHH then asked if the crowd had been there the previous night and seemed like most hadn't he then said tonight's crowd was loud but he though last nights was louder! Crowd of course went wild to prove him wrong and stamped, cheered & screamed to prove him wrong (at this point Lilian covered her ears and mouthed WOW to HHH). Aberdeen's a small arena but very loud when they want to be!!

Once DX were done which took a while as the crowd used every opportunity to chant DX which meant HHH had to pause during his bit and HBK was delayed in his bit, Lilian announced Cena. He came out to huge cheers as well but it was very noticeable that his cheers were high-pitched and lacking in mail voices. A few scattered boos but the guys seemed content with not join in the cheers rather than booing. It's very noticeable when you hear DX cheered then Cena.

All the usual spots in the match, Orton has his trunks pulled down tonight and got spanked by HBK for trying to leave up the walkway, HHH had the crowd in stitches imitating Umaga's walk and belly slapping. Again loud chants for HBK, HHH & Cena when they were in peril during the match with loads of foot stamping and cheering from the stands. Usual finish with the Sweet Chin music, Pedigree and finally the FU. HBK lay on the ring apron for a while after the finish and appeared to have injured his arm with HHH having to help him up and he then rested on the ring ropes in one corner for a bit. Cena's music played then switched to DX and a Scottish Flag with DX spray painted on it was thrown into the ring for DX to pose with. Cena then left and DX celebrated with the fans and then went around ringside shaking hands and thanking fans.

During the final match and finish security actually had to brace the barriers from inside as there was a danger the barriers were going to collapse with the weight of people pressing on them so they could touch DX at the end.

Tonight's crowd was even hotter than the previous night which seemed to inspire the wrestlers on their last night on the tour to give great performances.

Biggest Cheers
the Highlanders

Biggest Boos
Rated RKO & Lita
Cade & Murdoch