Smackdown Results - 17th Mar 2006
Location: Bossier City, Louisiana

Quick Results:

- Money In The Bank Qualifier: Finlay def. Bobby Lashley [Lumberjack Match]
- Paul Burchill and Kristal def. William Regal and Jillian Hall
- Booker T def. Jeremy Young
- Money In The Bank Qualifier: Matt Hardy def. Animal by reverse decision
- Non Title: Chris Benoit def. Orlando Jordan
- Kurt Angle, Rey Mysterio and Randy Orton def. MNM and Mark Henry


Smackdown Opener:
Video package is shown recapping the main event from last week’s Smackdown. The fireworks then went off in the arena as Michael Cole and Tazz welcomed us to the show, and we are just 24 hours away from Saturday Night's Main Event!

Money In The Bank Qualifying Match
Lumberjack Match
Bobby Lashley vs. Finlay

Referee: Charles Robinson

The start:
Lashley enters the ring and promptly boots Finlay in the face and out of the ring. Finlay is tossed back in. Lashley dominates the early going mostly brawling. Finlay tries to leave the ring but is prevented by the lumberjacks. Lashley rolls up Finlay but no pin. Lashley clotheslines Finlay twice followed by a backdrop. Finlay leaves the ring but this time the lumberjacks (mostly heels), protect him.

Mid-match notes:
Lashley then sneaks up on Lashley and beats him down in the corner. Lashley reverses a turnbuckle whip and atomic drops Finlay. Orlando then grabs Lashley’s leg. Finlay clotheslines Lashley and they both exit the ring. Finlay tosses Lashley right back in and continues to work him over with forearms and kicks. He then tosses Lashley out of the ring for a beating from the lumberjacks. Lashley is tossed back in and Finlay continues his assault of mostly kicks and forearms. Finlay locks in a reverse chinlock but Lashley slowly gets to his feet.

Lashley breaks the hold by backing into the turnbuckle. Finlay clotheslines him immediately. Finlay then jumps on Lashley’s stomach. Finlay continues the beatdown in the middle of the ring. Lashley struggles to his feet and gets angry. Finlay then pulls on Lashley’s trunks tossing him out of the ring. The lumberjacks beat him down and toss him back in. Finlay works over Lashley in the corner. Finlay misses a spear attempt in the corner and hits the ringpost.

Lashley comes to and shoulders Finlay a couple times, hits a belly to belly and Lashley picks him up and tosses him in the corner. Lashley hits a clothesline in the corner. Near fall. Vertical suplex Bulldog style by Lashley. Lashley hams up the crowd. Lashley then press slams Finlay out of the ring tossing him into the lumberjacks. Lashley goes out after him and is beat down for a moment but Lashley soon takes out all the lumberjacks.

The Finish:
Finlay has crawled back into the ring and Lashley follows. Finlay begs for mercy. Sylvan comes at Lashley with a chair but Lashley spears him just in time. Finlay then grabs the shileighly and clocks Lashley in the head. Finlay gets the pin and thus qualifies for the Money in the Bank match at Wrestlemania.

Winner: Finlay

MNM are backstage looking at Vince’s Muscle & Fitness magazine. Melina takes the magazine to take a look but Mercury is left holding Candice’s Playboy. Nitro says he can explain. Joey is a pervert. Melina just takes the Muscle & Fitness and says she’s going to take care of some things. Joey asks what and she says “Use your imagination”. Gross. Melina then walks away and runs into Kristal. Melina just tells her that she’s the dominant Diva. Paul Burchill then comes up and Melina calls MNM over and they laugh at Burchill and his getup making Halloween and pirate jokes. Burchill pulls out his sword and they all act scared and then bolt. Kristal seems to like him.

Mixed Tag Team Match
William Regal and Jillian Hall vs. Paul Burchill and Kristal

Referee: Jim Korderas

The match:
Burchill does his pirate pose but Hall comes over to Kristal and gets in her face right off the bat. Hall is in her face and pulling her hair. Hall hits the old Chyna cartwheel spot in the corner. Regal is tagged in followed by Burchill. Burchill takes immediate control of Regal hamming up his pirate poses, etc. Burchill is getting over and I’m getting scared. Regal takes control after Burchill spends too much time getting the crowd going. Regal sucks chant starts. Burchill fights out of a headlock but Regal is able to neutralize him. Burchill ends up winning with the C-4.

Winners: Paul Burchill and Kristal

Booker T is shown in the dressing room trying to calm down Sharmell who is in hysterics over the Boogeyman. Booker hands her a box and says that it will take care of everything. Sharmell is still freaking out but Booker kisses her and does his best to get her calm.

Booker T vs. Jeremy Young
Referee: Chris Kay

Sharmell’s music hits and a petrified Sharmell comes out to the top of the runway in a bee keepers suit, still wearing her crown. Booker T comes out for his match and guides Sharmell to the ring.

The match:
Booker T tosses Young into the corner and hits him with a series of chops. He then hits a clothesline and pretty much has his way with the jobber. Booker chops him and then hits his heel kick. Booker picks him up again and hits a chop. Booker forces him to the corner and beats him down. Booker is basically taking his time picks up Young, brings him to the center of the ring and hits a couple more chops. Young quickly fires up but Booker quickly comes back at him, hits the scissor kick and it’s game over.

Winner: Booker T

The Aftermath:
Boogeyman chants were heard at the end of the brief match. Total squash. Boogeyman’s music hits and Sharmell leaves the ring and waits at the far side while Booker waits at the other side. Sharmell calls him over and Booker and Sharmell then craul under the ring as Boogey is nowhere to be found. Booker and Sharmell then crawl out quickly as Sharmell is screaming uncontrollably and Boogeyman crawls out from under the ring. Boogey goes into hyper-shake mode, gets in the ring and chomps on his worms as though he hasn’t eaten all day. Sharmell and Booker just watch from the top of the entrance ramp while Sharmell continues to scream.

Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio and World Champion Kurt Angle are shown on camera from three different places backstage. Orton then starts taunting Angle about his neck injuries and how it must have felt getting the RKO. Angle says he lives with pain every day but he’s still here and he’s still champ. Orton makes fun of his constant Olympic Gold medallist claim. Orton then tell Mysterio is only in the main event because of sympathy. Angle interrupts and says that Randy doesn’t belong in the main event. Rey doesn’t say a word. Randy calls Angle a paper champion and that he won a battle royal that he wasn’t even in. Angle then compares his resume to Orton’s and calls Orton a paper contender. Orton then focuses back on Rey and calls him a charity case. Rey says he’s heard that his whole career and that dreams do come true. Orton just acts bored. They are asked about SNME, and Rey says that he respects Kurt and that he’ll have his back and Angle reciprocates. Angle talks about the importance of the match, but Angle says that come Wrestlemania he’s going to treat Rey the same as Orton and that somebody is going to be tapping. Orton says that he will dominate tonight. End of interview.

Reality Check:
Mike Mizanin “Reality Check” vignette is shown.

Money In The Bank Qualifying Match
Road Warrior Animal vs. Matt Hardy

Referee: Charles Robinson

Animal comes out first in his slightly altered get up. He wears a leather vest and a black muscle T. He’s also wearing blue jeans with stirrups. Matt’s music hits and he makes his way to the ring.

The start:
Matt runs in as he gets close to ringside and comes right at Animal. He clotheslines him, tackles him and unloads on him with punches. He then climbs to the top rope but Animal hits the ropes causing Matt to fall. Animal then pulls Matt’s leg out of the ring and slams it on the edge of the ring. Animal then works over Matt’s left leg and knee very hard.

The Finish:
Animal Matt fights Animal off and while hobbling on one leg hits an inverted DDT. Matt then hits the side effect but Animal kicks out. 2nd Side Effect but Road Warrior again kicks out. Animal is tossed into the corner and as Matt throws punches at him, he catches the ref with an elbow. Matt tends to the ref while Animal puts on some brass knuckles and knocks out Hardy for the win.

Winner: Road Warrior Animal

The Aftermath:
As Charles Robinson holds up Animals hand, he spots the brass knuckles and reverses the decision. Animal then picks up Matt and punches him out again with the brass knuckles before leaving the ring. Matt is out cold.

Winner: Matt Hardy

In the arena:
JBL’s limo is already pulled up and JBL exits the limo with a JBL cooler in hand. The same Steve Austin video that was shown on Raw is shown. JBL joins Tazz & Cole at ringside. Orlando Jordan’s music hits and he makes his usual entrance, but we don’t see much of it as the camera focuses on JBL telling us how great he is. Benoit’s music hits and he makes his way to the ring.

Non Title Match
Chris Benoit vs. Orlando Jordan

Referee: Jim Korderas

The start:
Benoit enters the ring fast and comes right at Jordan. Benoit gets Jordan in the corner and hits him with a series of chops. He then knees him a couple times and hits a snap suplex. Jordan rolls out of the ring but Benoit comes after him. Benoit stares down JBL and tosses Jordan back in the ring. Jordan kicks Benoit but Benoit tries to slap on the crossface.

The Finish:
Jordan gets to the ropes and after the ref breaks them up, Jordan targets Benoit’s left arm. He hold Benoit in an armbar and Benoit slowly fights his way out. Benoit hits 2 amigos, Jordan fights off the 3rd, but Benoit hits it and then goes for his German’s. Jordan fights off after one, but Benoit counters and puts Jordan in the sharpshooter. Jordan taps out.

Winner: The United States Champion, Chris Benoit

The Aftermath:
Before we hear 2 seconds of Benoit’s music, JBL is there to smack Benoit in the back with his cooler. Benoit sells the cooler as though it was made of iron.

Josh Mathews is shown backstage interviewing Mark Henry (with Daivari). Another lame promo by Henry as he says he’s not afraid of caskets, or Undertaker’s streak or anything else. They’re close up in Henry’s face.

Six Man Tag Team Match
MNM and Mark Henry vs. Kurt Angle, Rey Mysterio and Randy Orton

Referee: Nick Patrick

MNM’s music hits and they makes their way to the ring. Mark Henry’s music hits and he makes his way to the ring accompanied by Daivari. Kurt Angle’s music hits and he hits the ring with his midsection all bandaged up. Rey’s music hits and he makes his usual entrance followed by Randy Orton.

The start:
Angle opens against Nitro. Angle gets behind him and takes him down amateur style. The ref breaks the hold and Angle takes Nitro down by the left arm. Nitro reverses though and tosses Angle down. Nitro stomps Angle in the corner. First Melina scream. Nitro tags in Mercury. 2nd Melina scream. My wife leaves the room. Angle takes control of Mercury hits a belly to belly and tags in Rey. Rey hits a moonsault off the ropes and gets a near fall.

Mid-match notes:
Mercury gets the tag to Nitro and they try to double team him but Rey bulldogs Nitro while kicking Mercury out of the ring. Rey comes off the ropes and hits a head scissors on Nitro. Mercury distracts Rey and Nitro pushes Rey into their corner. Henry is then tagged in and he stands on Mysterio. He then punches Rey, picks him up (3rd Melina scream), and Henry taunts Rey’s corner. Rey comes to and starts pounding Rey in the head in a neutral corner, but Daivari pulls Rey off and into the ropes. Henry tags in Mercury. Mercury and Nitro double team Rey with Mercury holding Rey while Nitro hops into the ring and hits a leg drop. Nitro is tagged in, we hear Melina give yet another scream and it’s break time.

Rey is Eddie-ing up as Nitro is working him over. Nitro neutralizes him but Mysterio quickly rolls him up. The ref doesn’t see. Rey is tossed out of the ring and is beaten down by Melina, Daivari, etc. He’s tossed back in the ring and Nitro tags in Mercury. Mercury goes for a pin but Angle breaks it. Mercury pulls Rey into their corner and tags Nitro back in. Nitro gets a hold of him and tags in Henry. Henry hits a headbutt and stomps on Rey. Rey backs into the corner and kicks Henry in the gut a couple times, crawls though Henry’s legs but Henry gets a hold of him before he can make the tag. Henry continues to beat him down while I hear Melina scream yet again. Henry press slams Rey. Henry then misses a splash on Rey, Rey kicks Henry in the head and makes the hot tag to Angle.

The Finish:
Angle cleans house with a few German’s, and another Melina scream. Angle slam on Nitro but Henry breaks it with a kick to Angle’s ribs. Angle quickly Angle slams Henry and tags Mysterio back in. Mysterio kicks Henry out of the ring and hits a 619. Orton blind tags himself in, tosses Rey out of the ring, gets the pin and quickly heads up the runway.

Winners: Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio and Kurt Angle

The Aftermath:
Angle and Rey stare at him in disbelief as Orton acts like he’s the team MVP. Show goes off the air.

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