Hatcher Slams Romance Rumors
Desperate Housewives star Teri Hatcher has slammed tabloid reports about her love life, insisting she only had one date with actor George Clooney and claiming her reported romance with American Idol host Ryan Seacrest is a "non-story." Hatcher appeared on the Oprah Winfrey show yesterday to set the record straight on all of the rumors surrounding her personal life. She explained the tabloids blew her relationship with Clooney out of proportion saying, "That was really fabricated. We went to one dinner back in December, and that was it. No kissing. Boy, they would not let go of that one! I read things about how he sent me a teddy bear and chocolates for Valentine's Day, and I'm in my mailbox going, 'Did he really?' Because I didn't get them. Now they actually refer to him as my ex-boyfriend. It's hilarious." The actress also talked about tabloid pictures showing her kissing American Idol host Ryan Seacrest on a beach in Malibu, California, in March. Hatcher claims the two were set up by a mutual friend, and after two group dinners, they met for lunch at an out-of-the-way location. She said, "It's such a non-story. Interestingly enough, I haven't seen him since that day. We knew that the (pictures) had been taken, which must have bothered him enough. An hour after he dropped me off, he called to say, 'I don't think I can do this with you.' All the things you read in the tabloids about me and men are really non-stories."